Help ensure that the Global Internet services
of the SIDS Network continue to grow!

Donate directly to the SIDS Network securely with PayPal

Or through Network for Good

Other ways to help can be found here.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Information Web Site

Chat Room/Discussion Board Information

Please join the SIDS Network for periodic, open chats on the topic of SIDS.

Check back here for scheduled chat information.

bullet For The Love Of Our Angels  [new] (11/16/02)
bullet ivillage Discussion Area for SIDS Issues   update.gif (914 bytes) (11/16/02)
bullet "SIDSTalk" (Tripod) Chat Group update.gif (914 bytes) (11/16/02)
bullet "Drop in" SIDS Parent (bravenet) Chat update.gif (914 bytes) (11/10/99)
bullet Grandangels SIDS Loop update.gif (914 bytes) (9/15/03)
bullet For those interest in using mIRC

For The Love of Our Angels

This group is for people who have lost children to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), stillbirth, miscarriage, disorders, or accidental deaths. We are here to give support in hard times &; in good. Even though they are Heaven bound now they are still our children and deserve to be remembered.

Join at:

(source: Jody Hite,, 10/14/02) SIDS Discussion Board


I am a frequent visitor to your web site. I also often look in on the Parents Soup Boards, which are a part of There is a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome board there. It is a place where we who have been affected by SIDS can exchange ideas and whatever else is on our minds. At this time it is a fairly quiet place. I believe this is because it isn't known to very many SIDS survivors. The site the board is located on is  You must be a member of (no cost involved) to post to the board but do not have to be a member to read the posts.

Mary K. Beno


"SIDSTalk" (Tripod) Chat Group

I have put together a SIDSTalk chat room. I know how important the support is. I am a SIDS parent, losing a daughter to SIDS in 1991. My site addy is: I hope that I can help anyone in anyway. This chat helps in the healing process. I know how important support is. THANK YOU

A. Bier

"Drop in" SIDS Parent (bravenet) Chat

From: "Trish" <>
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999

Please link to my new page which is an Australian SIDS Support Site that has a message board and chat room...

The url is

Thanks so much and keep up the great work, I have linked your page from my new one also.

Trish Percy

Grandangels SIDS Loop

At times, grandparents need a place to talk to OTHER grandparents. I hope grandparents will find this a place to heal. If you would like more information about this group, please email me at Bunnie Roberts at or Lisa Sculley at  You can also visit the group site at

Bunnie Roberts
Joey Sculley 7/16/92-10/7/92
Billy Sculley 10
Michael Sculley 8
Ed Roberts 5/13/40-5/19/96

Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998

I have decided with some help of a friend to start up a drop in style chat room, at this time it is being covered 12 hours of the day by only three people but I hope to staff this chat room with volunteers in the hopes that one day it will be covered 24 hours a day. For info go to Please remember though if we are not there and someone should be that we are doing the best we can but it is not always possible to be there, though we try our best. If you would like to see someone there at a particular time or would like to volunteer some of your time you can email me.


For those interest in using mIRC

mIRC is one of many different programs for doing Internet Relay Chat
(IRC). The SIDS-Network has been experimenting with a private IRC server
currently located at

From almost any IRC program you can type
"/server" <enter key>
"/join #sids" <enter key>

Setting up mIRC

When you first open mIRC you are presented with a window title "mIRC
Setup" and has tabs across the top "IRC Servers", "Local Info", "Options",
"Identd", and "Firewall".
Click on "IRC Servers" tab.
Fill in fields as follows
Full Name : (your name --- :)
email address: (put your email address)
Nickname: (choose a one word nickname)
Alternative: (choose alternative nickname)

Click on the "IRC Servers" tab.
Click on the "Add" button.
Fill in the fields as follows
Description: SIDS Chat Server
Address :
portnumber : 6667
group name :
password :
(the group name and password are left blank)
Click the "Add" button.
Click the "OK" button.
Click on the "File" menu and choose "Exit".
(just to make sure it saves evrything).

Using Mirc

Now go back into mIRC.
Directly above the "Add" button it should have "SIDS Chat Server",
if it doesn't then click on that box and choose "SIDS Chat Server" from
the list.

Click on the "Connect to IRC server" button.
a window titled "mIRC Channels Folder" should appear.
type "#sids" (no quotes) and press the "Join" button.
Anything you now type and then press the "enter" key and it should be sent
to anyone else who has joined the "#sids" channel.

if for some reason the "#sids" window dissappears you should be able to
find it under the "Window" menu. If it is not there then type
"/join #sids" and press the "enter" key.

We should setup a time to try it out.

If you have any questions you can email me at


Help ensure that the Global Internet services
of the SIDS Network continue to grow!

Donate directly to the SIDS Network securely with PayPal

Or through Network for Good

Other ways to help can be found here.

new.gif (112 bytes) Now you can translate SIDS Network Web Site pages to/from English, Spanish, French, German, Italian & Portuguese

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The opinions and information provided here are not necessarily those of the author and are presented for educational purposes only.
The author accepts no responsibility for content, accuracy or use.

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