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Mitrochrondrial disease and lactic
acid are not related to causing SIDS

I'm sure this is some harebrained pediatrician's stupid theory, but here

My mother was talking with a local pediatrician who said something to the
effect that there is some thought that mitrochrondrial disease and lactic
acid are somehow related to causing SIDS.

Is there anything out there about this relationship?
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 10:21:55 -0400

From: Carl Hunt chunt@MCO.EDU  

This is not "hair brained." Although neither of the conditions you
mentioned as a known relationship to SIDS, there are some metabolic
conditions that are part of the differential diagnosis for sudden,
unexpected infant deaths. These are related to medium chain fatty
acid disorders, and do appear to be a rare cause of sudden death in
infants. These should show up at autopsy, and many states are or will
soon be screening for these conditions as part of the routine
newborn screen.
Hope this helpful.

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