Thank Youreprinted with permission We became pregnant with our 8 month old daughter just 2 months after our son died of SIDS on July 11, l994. The pregnancy was a surprise, one that I was not sure that I wanted. For the first seven months of my pregnancy I was in denial. I wasn't sure I wanted this new baby or if I could ever love her. Then I read something in a book that said, "If my new baby were to die today what would I regret?" From that time on I have loved my baby with all of my heart. Yes, sometimes it is hard but it is never too hard to love our baby. Most of the time my instincts as a mother are in charge. I was very doubtful that I could be a good mother again. Sometimes I have days when I want to only think of my son who died of SIDS. But my new daughter doesn't seem to mind. She loves me when I'm sad as well as happy. And since the day she was born I always want to be with her. She doesn't replace my son but she does make me happy. Here is a poem I wrote for my friends and family who gave me a nice baby shower when I was pregnant with my subsequent daughter: Thank You Life keeps moving forward His words are my strength, Then I hear your kindness, Thank you for listening to him, This baby will bring me joy again,
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