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by Richard Carter

Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999

My daughter Amber Alexis Carter was born on Nov. 2, 1999 and died yesterday, Nov. 22, 1999. She stopped breathing and they do not yet know why. I am waiting on results from the coroner, but her current findings reveal that Amber's heart vessels were not shaped in any way she had ever seen. She currently has no clue until the lab reports come back. She does not know if this is a SIDS or Natural cause of death. What we do know is that from the day Amber left the hospital, we experienced problems with her breathing and having bow movements. We were told over the phone that she was probably experiencing gas problems in the stomach. We bought medicine for this and it was not working. Her whole body would tense up and we complained of her doing this, yet we were told it was normal. Even after her Doctor's visit last Thursday, she was still diagnosed to be ok. Yesterday was her actual due date and today she was suppose to go in for a heart murmur appt. (the doctor said that he noticed she had a "slight" heart murmur before she left the hospital. I want to know if the doctors or hospitals should be someway liable for their lack of concern or diagnosis in this matter. My baby should still be alive today and would be had someone paid attention.


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