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by Great-Aunt Sharon Clowers

Grayson Sinclaire Brown-------Born August 15, 1997-----Died May 3, 1998

20 Jun 1998

On May 3, 1998, I received a call at work, that tore my heart out, my sister called, crying so hard, I could hardly understand her, telling me that her granddaughter, my great-niece, had died suddenly, at her home.

Grayson Sinclaire Brown was 8 months old, and a beautiful baby, chubby, and playful. I have been a nurse for 20 years, and see death almost everyday, but I will never get use to the death of young ones, I am sure you will agree when I say we expect death in the elderly, even as hard as it is to lose our elderly loved ones, but to lose a baby, who seems so healthy, and happy, and has brought her family so much love, is twice as hard to deal with. My heart grieves, for my nephew and his family, Jason, Tonja, Mackenzie, and Madison. Grayson's sisters, Mackenzie, and Madison, called her Gray-Gray, and at the funeral Mackenzie told me, Aunt Sharon, now Gray-Gray is an angel, and when you feel the wind blow softly on your face, that's Gray-Gray kissing you. I pray God's strength and blessing on all of you who have too suffered such a lose, and remember, when you feel that soft gentle wind on your face, that your little angel is kissing you, too.

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