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Little Miracles

by Angela D. Coleman

Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999

July 5,1996 I had a miscarriage and that date will forever be in my mind. I remember like it was yesterday. My husband, my older daughter, and myself had just got back from taking pictures. As I began to undress my underwear felt wet, I put my hand in my underwear and my hand had blood all over it. My husband called the doctor and they saw me right away. Buy that evening I was in the hospital having a D&C. I could not believe this was happening to me I kept going over or tried to think what did I do wrong. I just knew I was going to have a little boy; a little boy with blonde curly hair. When I lost him, I told my husband that he would be back someday. Now I have 2 little girls and as of July, 16,1999 I had my curly blonde boy. I was so scared of having another miscarriage with my two after having that one but everything went fine. Also if I would have gave birth to the one I lost and the baby been alright and born healthy my husband and I would have probably stopped there and not had no more children, and I can not imagine my life without the 3 I have now. I still do wonder what the baby would have been and looked like, I say I'll do that till the day I gone on and I'll find out then. So to all of the ones that has lost a unborn baby, child. GOD DOES KNOW WHAT HE IS DOING. Let him decide what's best at that time and you will see everything will work out like it was meant to be.

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