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I Remember

by Bert Graves

My daughter, Naketa, died of S.I.D.S. in 1986. I took me a very long time to get over it. One thing I used to do is write. Fiction and poetry. But, after her death, the words dried up. It was only a short while back that a friend
asked if I had ever written anything about Naketa. I had not, but resolved to correct this. I wrote a poem titled I Remember and would like to share it with you and any others...

Date: Tue, 25 May 1999

I Remember

I remember
The day that you were born
It was such a beautiful moment
I watched as you entered our world
You took a breath and let us all
Know that you had arrived

I remember
Taking you from the doctor
I placed you in you mother's arms
I watched as you snuggled to her
After she had gotten her first
Look at you

I remember
The time I held you all night
I sang to you as you slept
I felt so proud being your father
Knowing I was part of what
Brought you into the world

I remember
Feeding you, changing diapers
Washing you, rubbing you
Singing to you, talking to you
Feeling so proud that you were
My daughter

I remember
The night you died
A night I will never forget
When you went to sleep in my arms
And woke up in god's arms

I remember
I remember

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