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A letter to Hans

by Pamela Jorrick

This is a collaboration of many letters I wrote to my son Hans who was stillborn on January 22,1996. I wanted to share it with others who could relate.

To my baby Hans,
You are my firstborn child,
you are my beautiful son.
My love for you will never die
my precious little one.
My beautiful boy,
perfect in every way.
I never knew love and pain
could feel so intense.
My womb is empty and still.
My arms they ache for you.
You taught us so much little one.
You filled my heart with a love that was true.
My heart is full of love for you,
but there is a hole in it.
A void that can never be filled,
because that space is yours.
My sweet little angel,
how I miss you inside of me.
What a beautiful feeling
to have your life inside of me.
I know now what precious is.
You were the most wonderous sight I had ever seen.
I knew peace as I held you, true peace.
I miss you little Hans.
I will always be your mother.
You will always be my firstborn son.
You are always in my heart.
I gave birth to an angel.
I love you baby Hans.

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