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Jacobi Christian Iverson 

by Carrie Iverson

Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998

Jacobi Christian Iverson

When I first found out I was pregnant I was devastated. I was only 18 and in my first year of college. After the inital shock I was very excited and I married the father of my baby shortly after. Three weeks later, when I was 24 weeks along, I woke up with pains in my stomach. I thought they were just Braxton-Hicks and if I walked around they would go away. I went to the bathroom and found that I was bleeding. I woke up my husband and told him we had to go to the hospital. We went right up to the maternity ward and found I was dialated 4 cm. They finally got the contractions to stop and I stayed in the hospital for 5 days.

On the fifth day one of the nurses said the weather was changing and they hoped my water wouldn't break during the night. At some point a nurse came in to check me and told my water had broke (I never felt it). I was told I could still be fine as long as I didn't get an infection. A few hours later I was able to get out and go to the bathroom, I didn't know until later that I was getting a fever and was going to be induced after lunch, in the bathroom I felt something slip out of me I screamed for the nurses and said that something happened. I thought that the baby was coming out, but they said it was just a bag of water. They broke it and at 1:30pm Jacobi Christian was born, 3 minutes later he died. He was 1lb 11oz and 14 in long, I felt his last little attempt to breath in my arms. We were able to spend the rest of the day with him. That time to me now is very precious and so are the few pictures and memories I have of him.

Carrie Iverson

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