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Happy Birthday Zachary

Written Thu, 26 Feb 1998

I would just like to say Happy Birthday to my son Zach who would have been 12 years old today. I miss you and love you very much and I wish you were here today with me and your dad and your brother and sisters. I would love to see what you would have looked like if you would have been with us all these years. I wonder if you would look like your brother or your dad. You were such a beautiful baby and we had to say goodbye to you way too soon. You are in my thoughts everyday and today for your birthday I will go to the cemetery to place flowers and a balloon on your grave for your birthday. I know you are not really there but it is as close as I can get to you until I see you again. I can't watch you open your presents or give you a hug but I will keep you close to my heart today and pray that one day they will find an answer to this thing called SIDS that took you away from us. So for now my sweet angel, I will tell you happy birthday in my own special way until God brings us together again.



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