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In memory of my beautiful baby boy! ! !

by Jada Jensen

In memory of my beautiful baby boy! ! !
April 11,1999 - Aug,03,1999

April 11,1999 I went in to have my baby. I had to have a c-section. I wasn't due until May 12,1999. My husband (Charles) set the camcorder up for the birth of our son. The baby was born at 6:35pm. He was beautiful. He had his daddy's eye color. They were a beautiful blue. I thought this was the most perfect little boy, he weighed in at 7lbs 9oz. We had a lady from our church who stayed with us a lot. Her name is Elaine Silfies. She was the same age as my mother. She was staying with us on Aug 2,1999. She slept in the baby's room. She got up to use the bathroom. When she was done, she checked on the baby. He was faced down. She thought there was something wrong. She tried to turn his head and it wouldn't turn. So she turned him onto his back and the rest of his body was still limp. She put him back into his crib and came into my room. She said Jada I think there is something wrong with the baby. My husband jumped up and ran into our son's room. My heart was pounding. I called 911. My husband had never done CPR before although he was trying hard to give CPR to our little boy. The ambulance took our son to the hospital. When we got there, they said they could do nothing. I was sad to know that something this awful could happen to something so sweet.

Jada Jensen
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