My heart still aches till this dayby Teresa Lee Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 I have been reading other's stories and felt like I should include my own. My husband and I want kids. So, we started talking about becoming pregnant and starting our family. We love each other very much, and we have lots love too share with children. Well, we did everything from BBT, having sexual intercourse and laying there after the fact, turning upside down so the semen wouldn't flow back out, etc. I wanted to go back too school to get my high school diploma, and I did. I graduated in May of 96. I was happy then, but I became out of this world happy when I did a home pregnancy test, and I went too have it verified through a wonderful Midwife. This was June 96, and from then on WE set my appointments so I could keep them. I even went to see a nutritionist and tried to follow that the way I was supposed too, because I was already a little over weight. But I kept all of my appointments and did what I was told too. Never said I hated being pregnant "as I heard some family members say". I loved everything about my pregnancy. I was never sick at anytime or anything. Then about 29.5 weeks into the pregnancy is when my nightmare started. I went for a routine check up and I had a sonogram done; the tech, seen something wrong. She excused herself and went to get the doctor she confirmed the vision and sent my husband and I to the High Risk clinic. They too confirmed it and gave us several decisions to make. I had an amniocentesis and it came back normal, so, they gave us the option to terminate the pregnancy, but I could not do that. So, my husband and I prayed about it and I called the specialist and told them that we wanted to give our baby every chance there was. So, they scheduled another appointment and that appointment wasn't good. MY little baby's heart had stop beating, and I was having contractions. So went to the hospital and was admitted. Then on February 13, 1997 Kevin Arthur Lee was born/dead. My heart still aches till this day. I love and miss him, Kevin Arthur Lee. Teresa Lee |
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