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The Locket

by Beverley Atkinson
reprinted with permission

Written in memory of Our sweetest angel
Taylor Dorothy Atkinson
November 17/93 - June 07/94
May her gentle spirit continue to surround
all who knew and loved her

This little locket which I hold
Is more precious now than finest gold,
For you, dear Taylor, live within,
Your smooth clear touch of baby skin,
Your tiny face and lock of hair,
Like soft velvet encapsuled there,
Give reassurance you are near and calms my troubled fear.

At times I feel an urge to scream
And rid my soul of grief and pain
So harsh and keen.
It's all so real, though strange it seems
How all our dreams
Were shattered on that dreadful day
Your soul took flight and went its way.

"There are no tears in Heaven " they say.
Dear God, you gave us Taylor for a day!
Beyond the door, I'm very sure
We'll meet again in a different way.
Will I know you by your name?
Will your smile be just the same?
Will I hold you once again,
and feel the joy without the pain?
There's peace I'm sure beyond the door
Where love remains for evermore.

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