Loving FarewellBy Debbie and Steve Ruggiero December 15, 1995 We send to you a loving farewell, but this farewell is only to your physical body. The rest of you will be with us everyday, for the rest of our lives, deep within our heart. Lucas, you are our first born child and you always will be. You spent nine precious months inside your mother, then you entered this world and gave us twelve precious weeks to hold you, and care for you, and let our love for you grow even stronger. Now it is time for you to enter another more peaceful world. Don't be afraid my little Lucas. You are in a special place called Heaven. It is now God's turn to hold you and care for you and love you. In time, we will join you in Heaven and all be together once again. Until that time, we have you nestled deep within our heart surrounded by all our love and blessings. Thank you dear Lucas for giving us so many special memories and for not only touching our lives, but also the lives of so many others. We Love You Forever and Always,
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