Our Story On SIDSby RDVDEEM@aol.com reprinted with permission Our daughter and son in law had their first child, 9/16/96, they named him Paul Thomas Mendez, jr. He was a wonderful, happy healthy child. Until, 12/16/96, I came home from work at 2:50 PM and our daughter called me screaming! Our little Paul had died at the baby-sitters home. Our daughter, Therisa, had only returned to work for her second day. I remained calm on the phone with her and stated her father and I were on our way. As soon as I hung up with her, I lost all control of my emotions. I started screaming, crying, sobbing, and fell to the floor. My 14 year old daughter was with me and saw and heard it all. We went to the hospital and we were strong for her and her husband. But, as soon as we went back outside, I lost it all over again. I need to better understand sids. We are also foster parents and children are our lives and our world! To lose one that is so innocent and that has loving parents, I do not understand. We have 3 boys living with us now, that their parents have abused them in one way or another. It just doesn't seem fair or right. I will never give up on trying to give a child a better life, but I need to understand sids better to help my own child now. |
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