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For Joel and Us

by Jim Roscoe

My father wrote me this poem when I lost my son on March 6, 1998. He presented it to us at the cemetery. I think it reminds us that our children are not ever really gone if we remember to listen for them and look for them every day. I miss Joel terribly, but this poem helps remind me he is still with me, and to remember what he gave me while he was here.

For Joel and Us

He smiles in every sunrise, and hears every quiet birdsong,
He lives atop every mountain and blooms in every flower,
His laughter is in every gurgling, bubbling, shining brook and stream
swiftly flowing to the sea,
And he is the wind softly whispering through a tree.
Today may seem empty and overfilled with sorrow, but remember all the joy
he gave for each and all tomorrows.

by Jim Roscoe
Dedicated to the memory of
Joel Edward Petritz November 28, 1997- March 6, 1998

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