Alexa Angel
shared by Steve and Vicki Schutt
written by Jennifer Franckowiak
Here is a poem I would like to post on the First Person Site.
The poem was written in memory of Alexa Taylor Schutt who was born on
Sept. 4, 1998 and died on Jan. 4, 1999. This poem was written by Jennifer
Franckowiak, a friend of Alexa's and Alexa's parents, and was read at
Alexa's memorial service.

Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000
I've been searching for an answer
To the dreadful question "Why?"
Why has she left us grieving?
Whay has her life passed us by?
It isn't fair I tell myself
Her time was way too brief.
Why has she left us here on Earth?
Why are we filled with grief?
But in thinking of times that will never be I neglect the times that were
And those precious moments she captured Made the memories that will endure.
So instead I must remember
Her spirit, her life, her grace
Her innocence and carefree ways,
That sweet smile upon her face.
I think of how she loved to fly
She was testing out her wings
And preparing for the time
When she would move to greater things.
So when you close your eyes and feel
The wind blow against your face,
You'll know that she just kissed you
And felt your warm embrace.
When you look up to the moonlit sky
You'll see one star shining bright
And know she's shining down on you
With the angels of the night.
And when the roses glimmer
With the mist of morning dew
You'll know that its Alexa
Smiling up at you.
And when she comes to you at night
In your sweet and precious dreams,
You'll see Alexa, full of grace
Spread her angel wings.
And when the heavens cover the Earth
With a blanket full of snow,
Its the angels thanking you
For the pureness of her soul.
You see, the union of your hearts
Fulfilled a deeper need,
And created a tiny miracle
Greater than anyone could dream.
She taught us unconditional love
And though God has come to call,
Its better to have loved and lost
Than to have never loved at all.
Now close your eyes and see her
Soaring high up in the sky,
Spread your precious angel wings,
And fly, ALEXA, fly.