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Never To Be Forgotten...To Saylor Marie

by Susan King

Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999

My husband and I lost our first baby, Saylor Marie King, on January 13th this year. I was 37 weeks pregnant and went in for my weekly appointment. My doctor couldn't find the baby's heartbeat and sent me to the hospital, where we discovered that our baby had died. They induced labor and I gave birth to her forever asleep. Throughout my pregnancy everything I had read could've never prepared me for this tragedy. I didn't realize that 1 in every 100 pregnancies ends this way! That figure doesn't even take into account those babies that die of SIDS! Though it is not something I'd have thought about often during my pregnancy, I wish I'd have known that it was a very real possibility. This is something people never talk about and I want everyone to know that Saylor will always be my first baby and to honor her, I want her to know she'll never be forgotten...

Never To Be Forgotten...To Saylor Marie
writtten by your mommy

Never to be forgotten
from my heart or
from my mind

The love I have for you
will be a love
of a different kind

A love of what could have been,
a love of what I thought
should be

Of the moment we go from
husband and wife and become
a family

You'll always be my first born child
I'll try not to cry when
I say your name

I promise to love you for the
rest of my life if in heaven
you'll do the same

For now, let Jesus rock you
to sleep, let God sing you

Let Him tell you, "It's all right,"
every time your mommy

The tears are filled with love
for you and an ache
that won't go away

Just know that you're
never to be forgotten.
Until we meet again, someday...

...I love you Saylor Marie, love mommy

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