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SIDS, Other Infant Death,
and other health-related sources of information


If you would like your organization listed here, please e-mail the information to sidsnet1-at-sids-network-dot-org.

bullet Connor's Place

192 Stafford Street
Worchester, MA 01603


bullet Wellesley Police Department

Thomas J. O'Loughlin
485 Washington Street
Wellesley, MA 02181
617-235-1212 or 0062
617-235-1446 fax

(submitted by Tom O'Loughlin, Chief of Police, liaison with International Association of Chiefs of Police - 6/96)

bullet The Massachusetts Center for Unexpected Infant & Child Death

801 Albany Street, Floor 1E
Boston, MA 02119 

Telephone: 617-414-7437

Hours/Days Program Offered: 24 hours – 7 days a week

Program Description: 

The Massachusetts Center for Unexpected Infant and Child Death supports families, communities, and professionals after an unexpected death during pregnancy, infancy, or early childhood. The Center's mission is to provide an individualized and compassionate response to bereaved families, offer integrated, meaningful, and professional resources, and help affected families and their communities grieve.

(source; Alexander Friedman, MPH 2/24/2020)

bullet Massachusetts SIDS Alliance

91 Parkerview Street
Springfield, MA  01129

413-782-3483 voice
413-783-7459 fax
413-596-6302 fax

Contact Persons - Penny Begley, Anne Metayer

(source: Penny Begley, 11/16/97)


Help ensure that the Global Internet services
of the SIDS Network continue to grow!

Donate directly to the SIDS Network securely with PayPal

Or through Network for Good

Other ways to help can be found here.

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