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of the SIDS Network continue to grow!

Donate directly to the SIDS Network securely with PayPal

Or through Network for Good

Other ways to help can be found here.

SIDS, Other Infant Death,
and other health-related sources of information


If you would like your organization listed here, please e-mail the information to sidsnet1-at-sids-network-dot-org.

bullet Healing Oklahoma Hearts

We are an outreach for families that have suffered the loss of an infant with monthly support group meeting the second Saturday of each month

Martin Maynard
In Memory Bailey DeLonais Maynard
January 13, 2005 - March 28, 2005
S.I.D.S. its real!

(source: Martin Maynard,, 5/17/07)

bullet SIDS and Kids of Texhoma.

Our purpose is to assist families who have lost an infant to SIDS, or who have experienced the serious illness or death of a child. Assistance may be through group support, information or limited financial support. We sponsor community awareness and fund raising activities. We host an annual workshop for medical personnel, social workers, clergy and anyone involved with children. Our Board of Directors are volunteers from our community of Wichita Falls and surrounding area. We are located northwest of the Fort Worth / Dallas area on the Texas / Oklahoma border. For more information: please contact Lisa Smith at 940/764-3632 or email at .

Lisa Smith, LVN
SIDS and Kids of Texhoma
1600 Eleventh Street
Wichita Falls, TX 76301
940-764-3632 voice
940-764-3611 fax


(source: Lisa Smith, 4/16/08)

bulletMikela's Miracles SIDS Connection

2601 Thistle Ln.
Rowlett, TX 75089
Chrissy Lipscomb, President
Support Group 1st Tuesday of the Month
First United Methodist Church
Rowlett, TX
Native American Outreach and Education
Norman, OK


Help ensure that the Global Internet services
of the SIDS Network continue to grow!

Donate directly to the SIDS Network securely with PayPal

Or through Network for Good

Other ways to help can be found here.

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