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SIDS, Other Infant Death,
and other health-related sources of information


If you would like your organization listed here, please e-mail the information to sidsnet1-at-sids-network-dot-org.

bulletSIDS and Kids of Texhoma.

Our purpose is to assist families who have lost an infant to SIDS, or who have experienced the serious illness or death of a child. Assistance may be through group support, information or limited financial support. We sponsor community awareness and fund raising activities. We host an annual workshop for medical personnel, social workers, clergy and anyone involved with children. Our Board of Directors are volunteers from our community of Wichita Falls and surrounding area. We are located northwest of the Fort Worth / Dallas area on the Texas / Oklahoma border. For more information: please contact Lisa Smith at 940/764-3632 or email at .

Lisa Smith, LVN
SIDS and Kids of Texhoma
1600 Eleventh Street
Wichita Falls, TX 76301
940-764-3632 voice
940-764-3611 fax


(source: Lisa Smith, 4/16/08)

bulletParent Contact

I am available day and night for anyone needing to speak to someone about SIDS. I am a parent of a SIDS baby. Michael's birthday is September 8, 1983....he would have been 20 this year. I feel I am just now to the point where I can be of benefit to someone suffering from this unexplained tragedy.

I am available for the Central Texas area, specifically Austin, Round Rock, Pflugerville, Georgetown, Cedar Park, Lago Vista, Leander, Liberty Hill....and all areas in between! As I offered before, I am available day or night. I recall back to when Michael died...I was put in touch with one lady who had lost her daughter to SIDS. If it had not been for her, and our many many hours on the phone and visits, I'm not sure I would have made it through.

My contact information is:
Home: 512-560-0443


Best regards,
Angela Thompson (Angi)
July 8, 2003 (updated 7/14/07)

bulletMikela's Miracles SIDS Connection

2601 Thistle Ln.
Rowlett, TX 75089
Chrissy Lipscomb, President
Support Group 1st Tuesday of the Month
First United Methodist Church
Rowlett, TX
Native American Outreach and Education
Norman, OK
bulletTX Moms of Tiny Angels

We are currently working on developing a packet of information for the Spanish-speaking community in our area to deal with the trauma of a loss of a child and to provide grief support for this community of people.  We are researching books, web pages and other helpful information for this group of parents and would appreciate any help you might offer us as far as where you send people referred to your website for help.  We are hoping to have a link on our webpage to help those who don't speak English, and wanted to touch base with you in case you had anything that might be useful to us in our quest to help others.  Thank you and we appreciate all that you do to help others through their grief and loss

Jenny Coffey
Cofounder TX Moms of Tiny Angels


bullet Center for Infant Loss and SIDS Support, Central and South Texas

David Blegen, M.Div., Area Coordinator
Tracy Ruiz, Office Administrator
c/o Methodist Children's Hospital
Family Resource Room
7700 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78229

Office: (210) 575-5617
Texas Hotline: 1-800-859-3603
Office Fax: (210) 575-7019  

What does the Center for Infant Loss and SIDS Support offer?

bullet Facilitates a monthly support Group.
bullet Provides peer contacts.
bullet Is available 24 hours a day through a hot line.
bullet Sponsors an annual memorial service.
bullet Contacts families with information on SIDS and grieving.
bullet Publishes a monthly newsletter,Baby Prints
bullet Promotes a 'Back to Sleep" campaign to reduce the risk of SIDS.
bullet Trains childcare workers and others on how to reduce the risk of SIDS and how to handle it when it occurs.
bullet Distributes information to healthcare professionals, prospective parents, childcare facilities, hospitals and other organizations that work with infants.
bullet Supports research to eliminate SIDS.

(source: David, 6/14/99)

bullet Infant Loss Support Group, North Texas

Alliance for Infant Survival, Inc.
1(800) 650-SIDS
Phone: 817)589-2124
Fax: 817)590-0060
P.O. Box 443
Hurst, TX 76053

(source: Stefanie Duncan,, 2/27/04)


bullet West Texas SIDS/Other Infant Loss Support

Lisa Lane, Contact
9945 West Riggs
Odessa, Texas  79764


I have branched from the North Texas SIDS Alliance. I am a SIDS Mother (son; Austin Tanner Lane, 1/31/95-2/18/95; 19 days old) -- Lisa Lane, Parent Contact (11/16/97)

bullet Hico, Texas

I live in Hico Texas, and I am trying to start a support group in my area. The closest one is 1 1/2 hours away and it is hard for my husband and I to go because of our jobs. The closest hospital isHarris Methodist Erath County. If anyone in our area would like to talk, please e-mail me Thank you.

(source: Rusty Cryer, 3/16/98)

bullet Southwestern SIDS Research Institute

bullet M.E.N.D.

We meet for share meetings at 7:30 PM on the 2nd Thursday of every month at:
The Suggs Building
1522 W. Airport Freeway, Suite 200
Irving, TX 75062
(located on the south side of 183, between MacArthur Blvd. & Story Rd).


We offer a subsequent pregnancy group for those who are considering becoming pregnant again or are currently pregnant after a loss. This group meets at 7:30 PM on the 4th TUESDAY of every month at:
The Suggs Building
1522 W. Airport Freeway, Suite 200
Irving, TX 75062
(located on the south side of 183, between MacArthur Blvd. & Story Rd).

Our mailing address is
P.O. Box 1007
Coppell, Texas 75019

Phone Number: (972) 506-9000

Call Rebekah Mitchell for more Info
(972) 506-9000 or

bullet My name is Mary Lyons and I am a facilitator with H.A.N.D. (Houston's Aid in Neonatal Death). We are a peer support group for parents who have lost a baby anytime from conception to late infancy. We have meetings all around theHouston, Texas area, including special meetings for those who are pregnant or want to discuss pregnancy related issues. Last year we started a group for parents who have lost a twin, twins or other multiple. Our telephone number is 713 - 529 - 4661. This number is answered by a machine, but your phone call will be returned within 24 hours.

Meeting Locations-
Texas Woman's Hospital on Fannin in Houston
The 2nd Sunday of each month from 6:30 to 8:30
Columbia Clear Lake Regional Hospital
The 3rd Sunday of each month from 6:30 to 8:30
Southwest Memorial Hospital
the 4th Sunday of each month from 6:30 to 8:30

Subsequent Pregnancy Meeting
Meets at Texas Woman's Hospital on Fannin in Houston
the 2nd Sunday of each month from 6:30 to 8:30
(this is at the same time as the main meeting but in a
different room).
Supplemental Meeting for parents who have lost a twin, twins or
other multiple -
these meetings are scheduled 4 times a year on the 2nd
Sundays of January, April, July and October between
4:30 and 6:00 at Texas Woman's Hospital on Fannin.

bullet Resolve Through Sharing

A group for those who have experienced the death of an infant.
Meets at Charlton Methodist Hospital
Third Wednesday of every month at 7:30p.m.
3500 Wheatland Rd.
Dallas, TX 75237

Call Rebekah Mitchell for more Info
(214) 3158198 or

bullet Ronald McDonald House (Central Texas area)

The Ronald McDonald House (RMH) of Austin, TX, sponsors a support group for parents whose children have died. he group meets on the second Tuesday of every month. The group is facilitated in English, but a Spanish language interpreter is available.

Child care is provided, and there is no charge for the group. Families may attend regardless of the circumstance of their child's death. The support group meets at the Ronald McDonald House located at the corner of 15th and Trinity.

In addition to the support group, the RMH also offers a memorial garden, yearly memorial service and yearly retreat for bereaved parents.

In addition to the RMH group, there is a group called "For the Love of Christi." Their meetings are every Monday. This group was started by parents and include people who have suffered all types of death losses.

For information in English contact Rhoda Swanner:
512-472-9844 voice
512-472-5465 fax

For information in Spanish contact Jane at the above numbers.

(source: Rhoda Swanner 8/22/97)


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