Help ensure that the Global Internet services
of the SIDS Network continue to grow!

Donate directly to the SIDS Network securely with a major credit card.

Donate your used car,
truck, boat or RV
to the SIDS Network, Inc.
and receive a tax deduction

Other ways to help can be found here.

SIDS, Other Infant Death,
and other health-related sources of information


If you would like your organization listed here, please e-mail the information to sidsnet1-at-sids-network-dot-org.


Executive Manager
PO Box 520
Ledyard, CT 06339
(860) 892-7042 x551 (voice)
(860) 887-7309 (fax)

bullet National SUID/SIDS Resource Center

bullet Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Alliance.

Executive Director
1314 Bedford Ave.
Suite 210
Baltimore, MD 21208
(410) 653-8226 (Voice)
(800) 221-7437 (Voice)
(410) 653-8709 (Fax)


bullet Alliance of Grandparents Against SIDS Tragedy (AGAST)



bullet International Association of Chiefs of Police

Thomas J. O'Loughlin
485 Washington Street
Wellesley, MA 02181
617-235-1212 or 0062
617-235-1446 fax (submitted by Tom O'Loughlin, Chief of Police, liaison with International Association of Chiefs of Police - 6/96)

bullet HHS Information and Referral Service

You can view the Press Release "HHS
Launches Nationwide Toll-Free Federal/State Information and Referral
Service for Prenatal Care" and the Fact Sheet "Preventing Infant
Mortality" through HHS at

bullet Alive Alone is an organization for the education and charitable purposes to benefit bereaved parents, whose only child or all children are deceased, by providing a self-help network and publications to promote communication and healing, to assist in resolving their grief, and a means to reinvest their lives for a positive future.

Help ensure that the Global Internet services
of the SIDS Network continue to grow!

Donate directly to the SIDS Network securely with a major credit card.

Donate your used car,
truck, boat or RV
to the SIDS Network, Inc.
and receive a tax deduction

Other ways to help can be found here.

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