Welcome to the SIDS Awareness FaceBook list!The Discussion Area for SIDS Related Issues
The SIDSNET mailing list is a place to discuss issues related to SIDS. For those of you interested in pregnancy & infant loss related discussions, the infanlos mailing list is available or various Facebook groups here. The SIDSET mailing list has been replaced over the years by social media, particularly FaceBook. Original information posted 1996: The SIDSNET mailing list is similar, yet better, than the older electronic bulletin boards you may have heard about. Why is it better? Because when you join the mailing list, the "conversations" which happen are delivered to you via email, rather than you having to go get them. When you place a message on the mailing list, that message is delivered to everyone else who belongs to the mailing list. Comments about the SIDSNET ListServer: 27 Jul 1998 In the SIDSNET List Server, I have found a wonderful community of support, people united in grief, sometimes laughter, sometimes anger; people united in a community where we don't know what each other looks like, we don't know each other's lifestyles, we only know that we have all had the tragedy of SIDS become a part of our lives. We share our deepest sadness, and our deepest joys...We usually understand exactly, or almost exactly what each other is expressing because unfortunately we are walking this path we never thought would become a big part and at times our entire life. Although I am deeply sad that so many join this community, before me and after me, I am thankful that their are so many touched by grief who want to reach out and share their most devastating, and renewing journey's in life, to help all of us in this community that are left behind. Lisa Ellson
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