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SIDS Support and Suspicion Questionnaire


Date: 15 Apr 2008

Subject: Research Study


I am a social worker doing graduate work and conducting a study on SIDS. I am interested in the experience of parents who have lost a child to SIDS. My questions deal with the support parents may or may not have received and if they felt any suspicion directed at them due to the death. I am not looking to ask intrusive questions or make the parents feel worse. I want to give them the chance to share part of their experience with me.

I have a survey I need to distribute, but since I don't personally know anyone that has lost a child to SIDS I was planning on posting my survey to a few web sites. Here is where you come in. Would you be willing to post my survey on your web site? I already have approval from my university's Human Subjects Committee. If you are willing to do so and need to preview my survey or ask me any questions, please let me know.

Thank you for your time. I hope to hear from you.

Susan O'Neal
Walla Walla University Graduate Student


If you are interested in participating, please e-mail Susan O'Neal to ask her to email a questionnaire and Informed Consent form to you.  

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