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Some Normal Grief Reactions For Children And Adolescents

SOME NORMAL GRIEF REACTIONS FOR CHILDREN and ADOLESCENTS is provided by Hospice of Southeastern Connecticut Bereavement Program. These are reactions to grief as well as symptoms of grief They can occur one at a time, in combinations and clusters, and over a period of time. Some reactions may last longer than others Help children identify and understand that physical sensations can be and are grief reactions. All children are different and it is important to remember that the parents know their own child the best.

E-mail me, attention, Jay Mihalko, your comments and ideas on this area to: sidsnet1-at-sids-network-dot-org


  1. Numb
  2. Stunned
  3. Anxiety
  4. Stomach Aches
  5. Head Aches
  6. Dry Mouth
  7. Restlessness
  8. Overactivity
  9. Hollowness in Stomach
  10. Fatigue
  11. Uncontrolled Crying
  12. Breathing Difficulty
  13. Sleep Disturbances
  14. Changes in Eating Patterns
  15. Appetite Disturbances
  16. Nausea
  17. Episodic Crying
  18. Oversensitivity to Noise


  1. Disbelief
  2. Denial
  3. Pessimism
  4. Confusion
  5. Easily distracted
  6. Forgetful
  7. Short Attention Span
  8. Decline in School Work
  9. Difficulty Organizing
  10. Fear of Going Crazy
  11. Blames Self for Death
  12. Apathy
  13. Difficulty Verbalizing
  14. Fearful
  15. Suicidal Thoughts
  16. Philosophical
  17. Lowered Self Esteem
  18. Insecurity
  19. "If Only" Regrets
  20. Sensing the Presence of Deceased
  21. Fears Things will Never Get Better


  1. Moody
  2. Exaggerated Fears
  3. Numb
  4. Sad
  5. Relieved
  6. Guilt
  7. Low Self Esteem
  8. Depression
  9. Lonely
  10. Longing
  11. Hostility
  12. Defiant
  13. Shame
  14. Panic
  15. Abandonment
  16. Overwhelmed
  17. Fearful
  18. Glad
  19. Hopelessness
  20. Vulnerable
  21. Anger
  22. Ambivalence
  23. Relief
  24. Irritability


  1. Increased Aggression
  2. Decline in School Work
  3. Withdraws
  4. Less Social Risk Taking
  5. Spends More Time with Peers
  6. Recklessness
  7. Regressive Behaviors
  8. Disrupted Relationships
  9. Defiance
  10. Increased Risk Taking
  11. Drug/Alcohol Use/Abuse
  12. Cling
  13. Sexual Acting Out
  14. Possessiveness of parent/friend
  15. Overactive
  16. Searching
  17. Identification with Deceased
  18. Sighing
  19. Games, Hides Objects of Deceased
  20. Lethargy
  21. Hostility
  22. Avoids Reminders of Deceased
  23. Apathetic


  1. Has No Understanding
  2. Has some Understanding
  3. Questions Understanding
  4. Interest in Ritual and Ceremony
  5. Misconceptions due to Adult use of Euphemisms
  6. Interest in Learning and Talking About Religion, etc.

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