If you would like your organization listed here, please e-mail the information to sidsnet1-at-sids-network-dot-org.
SIDS Parent Support Group
Third Tuesday of every month, held atChildren's Medical Center
One Children's Plaza
Dayton, Ohio 45404
Contact: Mary Mears, RN, (SIDS Coordinator)
(937) 226-8300 (Ext. 8654)We also have monthly support groups for parents:
Parents Group for Coping with Perinatal Loss (Second Tuesday of Month)
Same Contact PersonBereaved Parent Support Group (Death of children of illness/injury/etc...)
Contact: Bobbie Predmore, Chaplain (937)226-8300 (8980)
or Charlotte Lemmings, LiSW (937)226-8300 (Soc. Services Dept.)(source: Mary Mears, mearsm@cmc-dayton.org
SIDS Coordinator
Miami Valley Affiliate of the National SIDS Alliance
SIDS Contact
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