Books, Videos, and Other ResourcesThis area features books, videos, and other resources that would be of interest to those people touched by SIDS, pregnancy loss, stillbirth, or neonatal death. This list is not intended to be comprehensive, and additions to the list are welcome. If you do not see a book, video, etc. on this page that meets your needs, please feel free to use this search engine to locate a particular item.
The SIDS Survival Guide Order today! Reviews and comments about The SIDS Survival Guide Then an Angel Came Order today! Books by Debbie Gemmill
"How to Find Health Information on the Internet" Order today! Am I Still a Big Sister? by Audrey Bernheimer Weir, Susannah Hart Thomer (Illustrator) Order today! Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 You might have got word about this book already, but I'll send in my thoughts anyway!! A book I highly recommend is "I Tell You a Mystery: Life, Death and Eternity." Drawing on stories of people he has known and counseled as a pastor, relative, or friend. J. Christopher Arnold shows how suffering can be given meaning, and despair overcome. He offers the assurance that even today, in our culture of isolation and death, there is such a thing as hope. In it there are many true stories of men, women and children who faced serious illness and death. Also stories of babies dying of SIDS, or other illness. Order today! Here is one quote: "The death of an infant, the birth of a stillborn baby, or the experience of a miscarriage is not only a painful even but a particularly hard test of our faith. One wonders, "Why did God create a child at all, if it was to live so briefly?" The thought that perhaps its brief sojourn here on earth carries a message from God's kingdom is an awe inspiring one, but it does not necessarily lessen a parents grief. Clearly we stand before a mystery that only God understands, and all we can do is hold it reverently in our hearts." Sincerely My name is Joey O'Connor and I am the author of Christian books for parents, teenagers and children. I live in South Orange County and I was wondering if you could be of some assistance with my new website. I have a soon-to-be released book called "Heaven's Not A Crying Place: Teaching Your Child about Funerals, Death, and the Life Beyond." The premise of the book is this: If we are going to talk to our children about matters of faith, then we must be willing to talk about death. Order today! My website is: http://www.joeyo.com Could you put a link on your site to my site? The one thing I can offer parents and relatives right now is if they want to ask me specific questions about their children (see what my site says). I'm also willing to email advance chapters of my book to people who need it. (I'm getting phone calls from people saying, "Is your book out yet? I have a family who needs it..." My site has many grief-related links, but it also offer a lot of fun books for teenagers. I wanted to let you know about my new site in the hopes that my books will serve some of your visitors. Thank you for your time and help. I was wandering around the book and video lists on the site and thought about a book that I did read that is interesting and is very thoughtful. It's Called "After the darkest hour the sun will shine again" by Elizabeth Mehren. Order today! The author lost her daughter at 3 months to an intestinal infection, she writes with lots of parents points of views. There is a forward by Harold Kushner (when bad things happen to good people Order today!). She includes suggestions for holidays and events and birthdays, I liked it because it was easy reading and as we all know its hard to concentrate on something for long periods of time. She adds a lot of parents voices in the book. Some of the subjects she covers are Remembering, Birthdays in Heaven, Marriage, The so called stages of Grief, Constant reminders, memorials for children, some famous parents thoughts on grief. There is also a brief resource in the back of the book. Miscarriage: Women Sharing from the Heart Order today! The book deals specifically with women who have had miscarriages. It has been great for me because it has spoken directly to many of my fears and insecurities about my miscarriage and like this group has reinforced the fact that what I am feeling and thinking is "normal". It uses first person stories to help illustrate the points. Both the authors have experienced a miscarriage and so they write with sensitivity to the needs of women who are suffering and grieving the loss of a child. The Lessons of Love Order today! When Bad Things Happen to Good People Order today! After the Death of a Child Order today! Oh, the Places You'll Go! Order today! This book really lends a perspective to life. The book is not just for children. We Bring Her Flowers Order today! I have used books as a form of informal bibliotherapy when helping others to cope with loss, not only due to SIDS. Books can be an especially useful tool in providing surviving siblings with the words to discuss their own feelings. Very young children, and even some not so young ones, may not know how to describe how they feel. This began for me following the loss of our daughter, Willow, over twenty years ago. Our son, Damion, was just two and very distraught. The children's book club that we belonged to at the time sent along, purely by coincidence, a book which gave Damion the words to talk about death. Nana Upstairs, Nana Downstairs (Order today!) by Tomy DePalma has been on my shelf ever since. Love You Forever (Order today!) by Robert Munsch is another staple. Here in Nova Scotia, Fiona Chin Lee wrote Sam's Story which deals specifically with the thoughts and feelings of a sibling following a SIDS death. She has provided a pull-out section for parents / friends as well which gives information about SIDS and how to contact the provincial and national chapters of the SIDS foundations. I have given away all my copies of this one. It is very good, not didactic and developmentally appropriate for the preschool crowd. I would be interested in hearing how others have used books as healing tools. Cheers, I would recommend Ellen Siska Greetings all, My name is Charles, and I have been working on some of the puzzles relating Book Book Book Book Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Article - Report Medical Dictionary All the best, Charles Peterson PREGNANCY LOSS AND INFERTILITY Publications and Papers Center for Social Research Dunn, D.S., Goldbach, K.R.C., Lasker, J.N., & Toedter, L.J. (1991). Explaining pregnancy loss: Parents and Physicians. Omega 25, 13-23. Goldbach, K.R.C., Dunn, D.S., Toedter, L.J., & Lasker, J.N. (1991). The effects of gestational age and gender on grief after pregnancy loss. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 61, 461-467. Lasker, J.N. (1993) Doctors and Donors: A comment on secrecy and openness in donor insemination. Politics and the Life Sciences, 12, 186-188. Lasker, J.N., Lohmann, J., & Skumanich, S. (1993, Aug.). The role of religion in bereavement after pregnancy loss. Paper presented at American Sociological Association, Miami, Fl. Lasker, J.N., & Toedter, L.J. (1991). Acute vs. Chronic Grief: The Case of Pregnancy Loss. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 61, 510-522. Lasker, J.N., Smith, V., and Toedter, L.J., (1991 August). Responses to Pregnancy Loss in Adolescence, presented at American Sociological Association, Cincinnati. Lasker, J.N., & Parmet, H. (1990). Rabbinic and feminist responses to reproductive technology, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 6, 117-130. Lasker, J.N., & Toedter, L.J. (1994). Satisfaction with hospital care and interventions after pregnancy loss. Death Studies, 18, 41-64 Lasker, J.N., & Toedter, L.J. (1990). Grief outcomes after perinatal loss: Identifying the bereaved who are coping well or poorly with their loss. Paper presented at the International Sociological Association, Madrid, Spain. Lasker, J.N., & Borg, S. (1994). In search of parenthood: Coping with infertility and high-tech conception (Artificial insemination, test tube fertilization, surrogate motherhood and ovum transfer). Philadelphia: Temple U. Press. (first edition published by Beacon Press, 1987) Order today! Lasker, J.N., & Borg, S. (1989). Secrecy and the new reproductive technologies. In L. Whiteford & M. Poland (Eds.), New approaches to human reproduction: Social and ethical dimensions. Westview Press. Order today! Lasker, J.N., Borg, S., & Toedter, L.J. (1989). Report of new research on pregnancy loss. In S. Borg & J.N. Lasker (Eds.), When Pregnancy Fails, (revised edition), Bantam Books. Order today! Lin, X. and Lasker, J.N., (1992) Ethnic Differences in Grief and Depression. Presented at Eastern Sociological Society, Arlington, Va. Lin, X. and Lasker, J.N., (in press) Patterns of Grief Reaction after Pregnancy Loss. American J. Orthopsychiatry, Parmet, H., & Lasker, J.N. (1991) . Religion and views on reproductive technologies: A comparative study of Jews and Non-Jews. Shofard10, 57-71. Potvin, L., Lasker, J.N., & Toedter, L.J. (1989). Measuring grief: A short version of the perinatal grief scale. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 11, 29-45. Reinharz, S. (1992) Empty explanations for empty wombs: An illustration of secondary analysis of qualitative data. in M. Schratd(ed.), Qualitative Voices in Educational Research. London: Falmer Press. Mekosh-Rosenbaum, V. and Lasker, J.N. (1995). Effects of Pregnancy Outcomes on Marital Satisfaction; Longitudinal Study of Birth and Loss. Infant Mental Health Journal, 16, 127-143 Stinson, K., Lasker, J.N., Lohmann, J., & Toedter, L.J. (1992) Parents' Grief following Pregnancy Loss: A Comparison of Mothers and Fathers. Family Relations, 41,218-223. Toedter, L.J., Lasker, J.N., & Campbell, D.T. (1990). The comparison group problem in bereavement and the retrospective pretest. Evaluation Review, 14, 75-90. Toedter, L.J., Lasker, J.N., & Alhadeff, J.M. (1988). The perinatal grief scale: Development and initial validation. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 58, 435-449. 12/95 PREGNANCY AND INFANT LOSS RECOMMENDED READINGS The Anguish of Loss, Julie Fritsch with Sherokee Ilse, Wintergreen Press, 1988. Order today! Born Too Soon - The Story of Emily, Our Premature Baby, Elizabeth Mehren, Doubleday, 1991. Order today! Empty Arms: Coping with Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Infant Death, Sherokee Ilse, Wintergreen Press, 1982,1990. Order today! Newborn Death, Joy and Dr. Marvin Johnson with Chaplains James A. Cunningham, Sarah Ewing, RNs Dale Hatcher and Carol Danner, Centering Corporation, 1990. Order today! When Pregnancy Fails: Families Coping with Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, Stillbirth and Infant Death, Susan Borg and Judith Lasker, Bantam Books,1990. Order today! When A Baby Dies, Martha Jo Church, Helene Chazin and Faith Ewald, The Compassionate Friends, 1981. When A Baby Dies: A Handbook for Healing and Helping, Rana Limbo and Sara Rich Wheeler, Resolve Through Sharing Bereavement Services, 1986. Order today! When Hello Means Goodbye, A Guide for Parents Whose Child Dies Before Birth, At Birth or Shortly After Birth, Pat Schwiebert, RN, Paul Kirk, MD, Perinatal Loss, Portland, Oregon, 1993. Order today! A Silent Sorrow: Pregnancy Loss - Guidance and Support for You and Your Family Comfort Us, Lord - Our Baby Died, A Book of Prayers for families who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth or early infant death, Norman Hagley, D.Min.,Centering Corporation, 1985. Order today! MISCARRIAGE Miscarriage - A Shattered Dream, Sherokee Ilse and Linda Hammer-Burns, Wintergreen Press,1989. Order today! Miscarriage - Women Sharing From The Heart, Marie Allen and Shelly Marks,John Wiley & Sons, 1993. Order today! Miscarriage, Joy and Marvin Johnson with Robin Bock, Carol Dannen, M'Lee Hasslinger, Peggy Jaegly, Sylvia Smith, Centering Corporation, 1992. SIBLING GRIEF Sibling Grief - After Miscarriage, Stillbirth, or Infant Death, Sherokee Ilse, Linda Hammer-Burns, M.A., Susan Erling, Wintergreen Press, 1984. Talking with Young Children About Death, A Message From Fred Rogers, Family Communications, Inc., Pittsburg, PA, 1979. Sibling Grief - How Parents Can Help the Child Whose Brother or Sister Has Died, Marcia g. Scherago, M.S.W., Medic Publishing Co.,1987. Our baby died. Why? - For Brothers and Sisters,Susan Erling Martinez, available from A Place To Remember, 612-645-7045. Timothy Duck - the story of the death of a friend, Lynn Bennett Blackburn, Centering Corporation, 1987. Order today! Thumpy's Story - A Story of Love and Grief Shared by Thumpy, the Bunny, Nancy C. Dodge, Prarie Lark Press, 1984. Order today! No New Baby, For boys and girls whose expected sibling dies, Marilyn Gryte, Centering Corporation, 1988. Order today! Difficult Decisions - When an Unborn Baby Has Problems A Time to Decide; A Time to Heal, Molly Minnick, Kathleen Delp, and Mary Ciotti, Pineapple Press, 1992. Order today! Beyond Prenatal Choice, Virginia Carson, Jill Fonda, Leslie Jadin, Martha MacMillin, Lynda Mulhauser, Beyond Prenatal Choice, 1988. Precious Lives Painful Choices, Sherokee Ilse, Wintergreen Press, 1993. Order today! Difficult Decisions, Patricia Fertel, Suzanne Holowinsky, Pat Iams, Michele Winterstein, Signe Gatlin, Scott Scribner, Centering Corporation, 1988. From: AllegraMia@aol.com Of the many books I read following the stillbirth of our daughter in 1992, the one that had the most healing impact on me, by far, was Season of Mercy (Order today!) by Martha Manning. I do not know if it is still in print, but it was the first prose that made sense to me... I hope others find it. A good book for bereaved parents: Empty Cradle, Broken Heart by Deborah Davis. Order today! "Living On" A Parent Support Video On Sudden Infant Death Syndrome The Guild for Infant Survival, Orange County, CA, USA realized the need To purchase your individual copy of "Living On", send a check or money GISOC Tapes will be shipped promptly. I'll Hold you in Heaven - by Jack Hayford (Healing and hope for the parent Still to be Born - by Pat Schwiebert, RN and Paul Kirk, MD (A guide for Empty Cradle, Broken Heart - by Deborah L. Davis, Ph.D. (Surviving the death Surviving Pregnancy Loss - by Rochelle Friedman, MD and Bonnie Gradstein, Anguish of Loss, Julie Fritsch and Sherokee Ilse) Order today! Newborn Death, (Joy and Marvin Johnson) Order today! She Was Born, She Died (Marion Cohen) Order today! Footsteps Through The Valley (Darcie D. Sims) Order today! Empty Arms (Sherokee Ilse) Order today! Not Just Another Day (Missy Lowery) Order today! Comfort Us Lord, Our Baby Died (Norman Hagley, D. Min.) Order today! Christmas Box and Timepiece, Richard Paul Evans) Order today! Unsung Lullabies (H.A.N.D.) Order today! Our Children Forever (Joel Martin and Patricia Romanowski) Order today! A Deeper Shade of Grace (Bernadette Keaggy) Order today! Silent Birth (Sharon Covington) Near Life's End :What Family and Friends Can Do (Row Del Berne ) Order today! Healing Together (Marcie Lister and Sandra Lovell) Order today! Quietus, (Jean Gunderson and Donna Harris) Order today! Thumpy's Story (Nancy Dodge) Order today! Pregnancy After A Loss (Abbott Northwestern Hospital) When Bad Things Happen to Good People (Harold Kushner) Order today! Notes From Baby Angel Grace (Marian Behnke and Laura Lanier) Mommy Please Don't Cry (Deymaz) Order today! Dear Parents Letters to Bereaved Parents (Centering Corporation) Order today! The Toughest Days of Grief (Meg Woodson) Order today! A Grief Observed (C.S. Lewis) Order today! The Andrew Poems (Shelly Wagner) Order today! Health Provider's Manual for Helping After Perinatal Loss (H.A.N.D) Ended Beginnings (Claudia Panuthos and Catherine Romeo) Order today! Embraced By The Light (Betty Eadie) Order today! Return to SIDS NETWORK Table of Contents |
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