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Chairman: Lady Limerick

Final Report May 1998


bullet Chairman's foreword - full text
bulletExecutive Summary - full text in Portable Document Format
bulletChapter 1. Historical background
bulletChapter 2. The toxic gas hypothesis - abstract
bulletChapter 3. Scope of this investigation - abstract
bulletChapter 4. The Turner Report and subsequent work on the toxic gas hypothesis (1991 to 1994) - abstract
bulletChapter 5. Repetition and extension of Richardson’s experiments on microbiological gas generation - abstract
bulletChapter 6. Laboratory investigations of the ability of microorganisms to produce volatile products from antimony and phosphorus compounds - abstract
bulletChapter 7. Toxins and the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - abstract
bulletChapter 8. The pathology of SIDS, normal infant developmental physiology and insights into possible pathophysiological mechanisms - abstract
bulletChapter 9. Antimony and infant health - abstract
bulletChapter 10. Use of fire retardant (Fr) chemicals in cot mattress materials and other items - abstract
bulletChapter 11. Epidemiology of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in relation to Mr Richardson’s hypothesis - abstract
bulletChapter 12. Conclusions and Recommendations - full text in Portable Document Format
bulletAnnex 1 - Terms of reference and Members of the Group - full text
bulletAnnex 2 - Sources of Information
bulletAppendix I - Mr Richardson’s Report
bulletAppendix II - Mr Richardson’s Report's and subsequent correspondence with the Expert Group
bulletAppendix III - Supplementary Studies to Establish Whether Antimony or Other Chemicals added to Cot Mattress Covers are of Significance in the Aetiology of Sudden Infant Death
bulletAppendix IV - A Review of the Toxicology of some Fire Retardant chemicals used in cot mattress materials

These pages contain extracts from the report -
Expert Group to Investigate Cot Death Theories:
Toxic Gas Hypothesis
Final Report May 1998

ISBN 1 85839 874 6

The full report is available from -

Department of Health,
PO Box 410,
Yorkshire LS23 7LN.
Phone (within U.K.) on 01937 840250

Published by the Department of Health
(c) Crown Copyright 1998
This page last updated 29th October 1998

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