Before I say goodbyeBy Gerardo Orozco December 1998 Your mother and I only had you in this world for a short time, but in that short time you have taught us so much. We learned more in the two months that you were with us than we could have learned in a lifetime. You have taught me to see the world as a place to lend a hand and to give to people that have less than we do. You have taught us to live life day by day. We have also learned to see people as individuals. We were very judgmental in the past. Because of you we are seeing people differently and realize that we all have some grief to hide. We have learned that we can not know or understand why people do or say the things that they do. We have learned that in this world there are things that we will never understand. You would be very proud of us. We have reached out to many groups and the most important thing is that we have reached out to each other for comfort and support. People may judge us, but only you can know how much we miss you and know how much we are hurting. Only you know that you have reached down from heaven and given us the strength to go on. Your mom and I, with your help, have realized that we could have done two things when you left us. At first we could not see it, but then we realized that you would want us to live "your" life and not end ours. As long as we are in this world you will continue to live to in our hearts and memories. We have been able to talk about you everyday. We have been able to laugh at the funny noises that you made and how you laughed at your mother when she played with you. We have also cried and missed you. With your guidance, we have been able to make some decisions that some people may not agree with, but only you and your mom and I can know what is right. Before I say goodbye I wanted to thank you for all that you have given us in the short time that you were here. Only you can know how much you have affected our lives. Only you can know that because of you we continue to work through this day by day. We miss you and we will love you until we take our last breath. Nothing in this world could take away our pain and how we feel about you. Brandon, we will be united again someday. Love, Your Dad |
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