Isaac DavidIn memory of my precious nephew Carrie Stier e-mail= twilight@galenalink.com October 16, 1997 Today should have been your first birthday. I went with my daughter, your cousin, and visited your grave this weekend. We left flowers and said prayers. Emily was so sweet, she bent down and kissed her hand then put her hand to your stone. My heart still aches for your parents and sister. I wish there was something profound I could say to them to take away the hurt, but I know there isn't. I think of you often. Its as if I can sense a shadow of you, just out of sight, when I sit and rock my own son to sleep at night. Or when he smiles at me a certain way, or the first time he took a step. I recently read something that helped ease some of the anger and guilt etc.: Mourn not too long that he is gone, but rejoice forever that he was. Isaac I will forever remember and rejoice that you were. Your aunt, Carrie Stier |
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