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Name: Ms. Haley Taylor
Referred by: Net Search
From: Caroleen, NC
Time: 1998-11-30 22:15:51
Comments: I am doing an epidemiology paper for my BSN classes. I hope that your website will give me some background info to use. I also have a relative who lost a child to SIDS, I have seen how it affects a family. Thanks, HT

Name: Tonya Junod
Referred by: Net Search
From: Wichita, KS
Time: 1998-11-30 19:17:16
Comments: I have just begun the position of coordinator to establish a SIDS network in Kansas (Kansas is one of 4 states without a network). I am learning about SIDS, how to establish a referral system, what are the needs, and contacting families. I am searching for information, ideas, and funding sources.

Name: Dave Wakefield
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Bonita, CA
Time: 1998-11-30 16:02:32
Comments: My granddaughter died of SIDS Nov. 27, 1998. She was only 3 months old. She went to sleep and never woke up. I am deeply saddened by her loss. I'm currently searching the web learning more about SIDS. Keep up the good work.

Name: Mary Hargett
Website: Angel Tala
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: New York
Time: 1998-11-30 15:29:10
Comments: Yesterday marked the one month anniversary of my beloved granddaughter, Tala's return to God. We miss her sweetness and beauty immeasurably. Our greatest consolation is her three year old brother, Stefan, who gives us a reason to go on. I would appreciate any words of comfort or support for my daughter, Lisa, Tala's mother. I would also like to thank the kind people who have written a response to my previous message. We are so grateful for your thoughtfulness and will keep you in our prayers.

Name: Miranda Pate
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Tennessee
Time: 1998-11-30 13:24:02
Comments: I am currently eight months pregnant with quads. I just found out that one of the babies, a boy, has no heartbeat. I came to this site to get some idea of ways to celebrate my child and carry on his memory. I would love to talk with parents who have been through this or are going through this now. Please feel free to email me. Any suggestions are welcome.

Name: Auenhammer Josef / Brigitte
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Germany
Time: 1998-11-30 10:13:07
Comments: Our daughter has gone, but we will remember the luckiest days of our life forever.

Name: Carley
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Eugene,Or
Time: 1998-11-30 02:20:17
Comments: I was just looking for some toys for my 9week old baby, when I came across a web site for child safety. Well as I was browsing I saw a site on SIDS so I decided to check it out. Being a new mother and all I try to get all the info I can on ways to keep my child safe. As I was reeding I started to think how thankfull I am to people like you who take time out of their buisy schedual to keep us mothers and fathers informed. You Have no idea how much it means to me to know that people actually do still care. You are all doing a wonderfull job. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! One of my bigest fears is getting up in the middle of the night to check on her, and find her dead or gone. I don't think I would be able to keep my sanity. She is my pride and joy she means everything to me and more!!!! Thanks Again.

Name: Yvonne Bryceland
Website: Yvonne and Tom's Fun
Referred by: From Geocities
From: AZ
Time: 1998-11-30 01:36:25
Comments: your info wes just what i needed thank you

Name: guinan_uk
Website: guinan's web site
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: England
Time: 1998-11-28 18:07:24
Comments: have visited your site before just to let you know what a great site, i have had a link to your site from mine since i started my site in july. i have added more to my site and will be adding more soon, please keep up the great work. guinan_uk

Name: Cindy Sullivan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Birmingham, AL
Time: 1998-11-28 15:03:58
Comments: I had a son, Jacob, that died of SIDS. He was 11 weeks old.

Name: Richard E Pot
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-11-27 15:12:56
Comments: Congratulations on being a Guestworld Pick of the Moment.

Name: Dawn Harvey
Referred by: Net Search
From: Cornwall Ontario
Time: 1998-11-27 14:12:33
Comments: thank you for providing such informative information. I am writting a report on SIDS for school. This information was very usefull in learning all there is to know about the subject.

Name: Amber forrester
Referred by: Net Search
From: Colchester Essex
Time: 1998-11-27 06:15:14
Comments: My son Aaron Jay died when he was four months old. Eight years on my love for Aaron goes on every day. I hold on to the love we have between us in the short and beautiful time we had together.

Name: Stacy Durbin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Washington
Time: 1998-11-27 00:21:09
Comments: I lost my daughter Madison 1 month ago and am still not ready to talk or write about it yet

Name: Nancy
Referred by: Net Search
From: TN
Time: 1998-11-26 14:42:17
Comments: Today I am thankful for 2 months and 11 days with Zacharias, who was so perfect and beautiful that God took him early on Oct 16. The scientists call it SIDS. I am also grateful for my 9-year-old Jacob who gave me a thanksgiving card saying he is grateful that he has a family, even though it is only the two of us now. Babies can survive brutal abuse, defects, and days of abandonment. Mine didn't survive a nap. This is a burden I do not want to carry, but I have to. II Samuel 12:16-23

Name: Patricia and Anthony George
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Pittsburgh PA
Time: 1998-11-26 13:27:35
Comments: Our beloved son Brandon John passed away from SIDS on Sept 8 1998, he was 9 months old, this disease or disorder needs to be stopped, I can not believe, more is not done to prevent this if it has been around for so many 100's of years

Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1998-11-26 11:10:27
Comments: i have none as i am young and lost my baby at 3 weeks

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: East Flat Rock, NC
Time: 1998-11-25 20:09:08
Comments: I lost my son Joshua Caleb Matthews to SIDS on 9/21/98

Name: Brandi
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: portland,or.
Time: 1998-11-25 18:30:00
Comments: i just lost my baby boy to sids and im so devastated this page has helped me alot to understand sids my little boy was 2 days short of 10 months.

Name: Angela Gray
Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
From: Texas
Time: 1998-11-25 15:12:24
Comments: A donation was sent to you in memory of my daughter Kaitlyn Riley Gray. I wanted to see the web page, and thank the SW SIDS research Institute for their donation.

Name: Kellene
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Salem, OR
Time: 1998-11-25 11:34:38
Comments: Looking for info for a family member who recently lost baby to SIDS.

Name: carmel matthews
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: st albans uk
Time: 1998-11-24 18:05:35
Comments: our beautiful daughter was stillborn on8th january 1987 and i still grieve I wonder what life would have been like had she lived. she was a term baby and the cause was ruotured vasa praevia. WE WERE UNABLE TO HAVE ANY MORE CHILDREN BUT SHE HAS TWO OLDER BROTHERS.

Name: Corina Nelson
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1998-11-24 18:01:59
Comments: My daughter is my little angel. I hope that there will eventually be a life that is not touched by SIDS. The future only holds those answers.

Name: lisa schwedt
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Westland Michigan
Time: 1998-11-24 17:55:27
Comments: I lost my son last year it was the hardest thing i have ever done

Name: Faye Delbridge
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Time: 1998-11-24 15:15:26
Comments: My grandson died of SIDS on November 21, 1998, at three months of age. We miss him sooooo much!

Name: Mary K. Beno
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ridgeway, WI
Time: 1998-11-24 10:27:23
Comments: Yesterday was my beautiful son Christopher's (11/23/97 - 03/23/98) first birthday. I have been remembering his birth and how happy we all were that day he became a part of our family. Christopher, we sang you happy birthday and your big brother Brendan blew out your birthday candle. We love and miss you more each day. Happy first bithday, Love Mommy, Daddy and big brother Brendan (Grandma and Grandpa too).

Name: Brooke Jackson
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: Ocala, FL
Time: 1998-11-24 01:02:31
Comments: We lost our son Kyle Brooks Jackson on November 13, 1998, he was only 5 weeks old. I miss him so much, I long to hold him and kiss his sweet head. I have a four year old son that doesn't understand, I can't say I understand. I know Kyle is our little angel and I have to go on. But I miss you Kyle, and will carry you in my heart everday for as long as I live. We will be together one day again, that keeps me going. Mommy loves you and sends you a big hug and kiss. Be a good boy, and I will talk to you in my prayers. In Loving Memory of Kyle Brooks Jackson October 7, 1998 to November 13, 1998.

Name: Karen Canal
Referred by: Net Search
From: texas
Time: 1998-11-23 23:41:11
Comments: My precious baby boy, Christian Joseph, was taken from me by this mysterious killer called SIDS on June 27, 1997. Born on March 21, 1997, he was here on this earth for 3 months and 6 days, exactly the frame of time as most statistics indicate. But he isn't a statistic, he is my son, and the question why will always linger. How many babies is enough?

Name: Jamie Parker
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Michigan
Time: 1998-11-23 16:19:45
Comments: I had to do a report I actually wanted to do a report on SIDS seeing that my little baby brother died from it I hate it when people say they understand what I'm going thre and they don't its like they Just wnat to give me sympothy but I don't want there sympothy I aint the one that died why cant people just treat me normally they look and point saying thats the girl whose brother died I think there parents are abusive or something and my parents aren't abusive we are just a regular familey and thats how I want to be treated I really like this homepage

Name: Angie
Website: Angel Jacob Dylan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Tx
Time: 1998-11-22 14:11:00
Comments: Its great that people send out SIDS awareness..My son died Of SIDS on oct.27th 1998 he was only 3mths old when he died..Its so hard for me to wake up and fall asleep.But i know that hes in a better place and he is happy and one day we should meet again..for eternity

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-11-22 02:45:58

Name: Charlene Spadafore Vassar
Website: Do not have one
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Anchorage, Alaska
Time: 1998-11-22 00:34:12
Comments: I am a grandmother who has lost 2 grandchildren to SIDS in the past 6 years. I'm just browsing to see what's out there. I've been thinking of getting something started here in Anchorage...don't know. Am just trying to find out all I can about this terrible "disease". thanks.....charlene

Name: Christine Grenig
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Cleveland, Ohio
Time: 1998-11-21 13:14:08
Comments: My husband and I lost our son Dacota Reed over two years ago, in August of 1996, he was stillborn. Every so often I come on this page because it comforting to know that there are other people out there in the same circumstances and that you are not the only one. My husband and I still think about Dacota everyday and realize that he came to us for a reason, what it is I'm still searching for but deep done in my heart I realize that the love I have for him is still as strong as the day I found out I was pregnant. The pain does subside but it never goes away. We now have a 15 month old daughter and sometimes I look at her and realize that my son is living through her in some way. I really wonder sometimes what I would do if something happened to her and I'm scared to death of SIDS, even though she is over one years old it doesn't matter the fear is always there. For everyone who has lost their child to SIDS or something else please know that they will always be in your heart and the pain does ease up but never goes away. Don't be afraid that you will stop thinking about them because it won't happen. I thought that if I didn't go to the cemetary everyday and talk about him all the time that some how I would forget about him but that has not happened my love for him I think has actually gotten stronger because I realize now that he's there for me helping me get through each day and helping his little sister too. I would love to hear from anyone that has lost their child from a stillbirth so maybe my sharing our thoughts and memories of the experience it will help get over the grief and pain we live with everyday. My email address is

Name: Richelle Law
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Syracuse, NY
Time: 1998-11-21 10:48:56
Comments: I am very impressed with your site. Our daughter had a rare brain disorder and my husband has set up a site for her. Other families have found our site very helpful and I am sure people who have expirenced a SID tragedy find this site very helpful. Continue such wonderful things.

Name: Tammy and Mark Jepsen
Website: ICEANGELS page
Referred by: Net Search
From: Iowa
Time: 1998-11-20 23:49:44
Comments: We lost our son Jordan William on Oct.23, 1998 to SIDS, we were looking for some kind of answer as to what this really is. We thank you for having a site out here where parents can go and know we are not alone. Many thanks to this site, keep up the wonderful work.

Name: Valerie West
Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
From: West Monroe, Louisiana
Time: 1998-11-20 22:56:19
Comments: Dear Olivia, Mommy loves you and misses you very much. I asked God to give you a big hug for me tonight as I was looking at your picture again. You are on my mind so much. I am about to start quilting a very special scrapbook just for your mementos. Each stitch, I hope, will mend my heart. You'll always be my sweet baby girl. Love, Mommy

Name: Karisa
Referred by: Net Search
From: Oregon, USA
Time: 1998-11-20 13:59:02
Comments: I am using this page as a source for a report in ECE on SIDS, thank-you very much.

Name: D. Bracknell
Referred by: Net Search
From: Michigan
Time: 1998-11-20 09:03:10
Comments: None

Name: Denise Pequignot
Referred by: Net Search
From: South Whitley, Indiana
Time: 1998-11-19 19:54:53
Comments: Our daughter Courtney Lynne, died 9-26-98, she was 8days old. Drs feel she pinched her cord for only 6minutes 12-24hours before delivery. Missing her alot. Wondering if we should try again?

Name: Chris Haggerty
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Maine, NY
Time: 1998-11-19 08:39:36
Comments: I have been there.

Name: Crystal Bybee
Referred by: Net Search
From: Nebraska
Time: 1998-11-18 20:02:09
Comments: I am researching and I really liked this site the best.

Name: Andrea Trapp
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Michigan
Time: 1998-11-18 19:52:45
Comments: Tomorrow marks the 2nd anniversary of my son's death. I miss him so much. I must admit the pain has subsided alot, but it seems that old wounds are opened around this sorrowful date. Anyone who would like to talk don't hesitate to e-mail me........ "For where your treasure is, so will your heart be also"

Name: Joanne Wood
Referred by: Net Search
From: New Jersey
Time: 1998-11-18 18:57:36
Comments: Today is my daughter Deborah's birthday November 18,1998. She would of been 11 years old today. She died March 13, 1988. She was 3 months 24 days old. I have 2 other girls hat are now 15 and 13. I wonder how it would of been to be a single mother of 3 daughters

Name: Dawn Czech Webster
Referred by: Net Search
From: St. Cloud, MN
Time: 1998-11-18 16:14:13
Comments: I have been following the SIDS Network site since my nephew died of SIDS a couple of years ago and it has only gotten better over the years. Whenever I think of my nephew I just log on and look him up on the SIDS page. This is a great resource for those affected by SIDS. Thank you!!!

Name: Tabby Patterson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: fresno, CA
Time: 1998-11-17 20:40:10
Comments: In loving memory of Nathan James Kenneth Rossignol.....forever, the cutest smile..... aunt abba will always love you!!! 8/23/97 - 3/11/98

Name: Angela Lee
Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
From: Indiana
Time: 1998-11-17 20:01:38
Comments: We lost our son, Dylan Alan, to SIDS on July 10, 1996. He was 4 1/2 mos old. My husband has two girls from his previous marriage and I have two boys. Dylan was a very special part of our family. It has been a very difficult time for us all. We love and miss him very much.

Name: Joana Ryder
Referred by: Net Search
From: Neoga, Illinois
Time: 1998-11-17 19:35:10
Comments: My aunt just had a baby this past year who died from SIDS.

Name: Rhonda Scott
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mission, B.C. Canada
Time: 1998-11-17 16:06:43
Comments: In loving memory of our "handsome little man" Eric Bradley William Scott, age 16 months. Born Sept 25/96 and passed away on Jan 30/98. Forever loved and forever missed...........Mommy, daddy and your two big sisters.

Name: veronica reese
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: somerset,pa
Time: 1998-11-17 15:48:37
Comments: on march 6 1998 my daughter rebbecca linn rubright died of sids.she is now my guardian angel in heaven with jesus.for all of you other sids parents, when you are deep in the darkness of greif look up to the sky your little angel is up there to.

Name: Tracy Moore
Referred by: Net Search
From: Crystal Lake, IL
Time: 1998-11-17 15:47:11
Comments: I lost my son, Samuel, five years ago on ST. Patrick's Day. He would have been in kindergarden this year. I am feeling a log of pain again. Thanks for the site.

Name: Sherry Tedesco
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Anthony, FL
Time: 1998-11-17 13:17:16
Comments: I lost my nephew Friday, November 13, 1998, he was 5 weeks old. Being devastated by this lost I am searching for answers. Waiting for the autopsy to come back is unbearable.

Name: Mary Hargett
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: New York
Time: 1998-11-17 13:11:45
Comments: We lost our 3 month and 24 day granddaughter, Tala, on October 29, 1998. Although we have not yet received the final autopsy report, we have been told that all evidence indicates that her cause of death was SIDS. I am looking for ways in which to comfort my daughter and the rest of our family. Thank you.

Name: Stefanie Hager
Referred by: Net Search
From: Michigan
Time: 1998-11-16 18:00:55
Comments: Hi I am a 14 year old student at my school in michigan. We first started to doing reports in our science class and we had to pick a disease or something like that so I got online and looked around in yahoo and found you guys and so far I a glad for what you guys are doing here. All I want to say is good JOb!! Thank YOu stefanie hager

Name: Debbie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: born in California.
Time: 1998-11-16 17:19:53
Comments: I believe that this site is very good for researching SIDS.

Name: misty
Referred by: Net Search
From: Stoughton, Wi
Time: 1998-11-16 10:06:48
Comments: I think it's wonderful that you have this website. People need to know about SIDS.

Name: Margie Arciba
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Los Angeles, CA
Time: 1998-11-16 03:45:30
Comments: On October 17, 1998, my little Megan passed away. She was going to turn three months on Oct.20th. I miss her dearly. I blamed everyone following Megan's death, even myself. Thank-you for this web page, I now realize that this tragedy was no one's fault. I just hope that one day there will be an explanation and a cure for this terrible syndrome. I pray that no one will have to experience this tragedy.

Name: Sherry Goldman, M.D.
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Maryland
Time: 1998-11-15 19:02:24
Comments: My son, Steven, died of SIDS this past May 24, 1998 at just less than 3 months of age. I am a physician. I am very much interested in becoming involved as a volunteer, speaker, educator, whatever ... to raise funds for research, offer support for parent survivors, and to lobby for more research into the understanding of this complex syndrome ... so that hopefully soon this tragedy will not traumatize the incredible number of families that it does today (one in every 500 live births). Please feel free to contact me if I can help in any way. I also want to keep up with the latest advances and theories about SIDS. Thank you.

Name: Carrie
Referred by: Net Search
From: Maryland
Time: 1998-11-14 22:33:01
Comments: I am currentlya paramedic student and am researching for a paper in my crisis intervention class. Any info would be of great help. If I'm able to write this paper well enough, I may be able to have it published so that other paramedics can use the info I obtain.

Name: Tammy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ontario, Canada
Time: 1998-11-14 22:06:07
Comments: I had a miscarriage in August '98. I also have a 2 year old. I found this site very helpful, and informative. Thankyou.

Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1998-11-14 02:03:15

Name: Mariel
Referred by: Net Search
From: USA
Time: 1998-11-13 14:46:43
Comments: This is an excellent site for learning about SIDS. Quite an interesing site at that, because I am very interested in a possible connection between SIDS and Apnea. This page was very helpful for me to learn more about the possible relation between the two. Thank You

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: bowling green Kentucky
Time: 1998-11-13 12:11:01
Comments: My son died on July 2, 1997 of SIDS. He was only 6months old. He was so beautiful and healthy. This came as a shock to me and my family. I was at work and he died at the daycare center. His birthday is December 26, 1996. Its only one month to Christmas. He would have been 2. I miss him so much. I will never be the same, I have a large emptiness everyday, allday. God Bless!!

Name: Sherrie,Todd & Brittani Lynn Brown
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Charlotte County , Fl
Time: 1998-11-12 21:59:59
Comments: All i am doing is holding our precious 7month old angel face, and crying,as I read these entries in the guest book.My sister in law just lost a 12month(in her care)old to SIDS yesterday.She had watched him everyday since he was a month.I want to comfort her but I dont know how?I dont think that I could be that strong at a moment like this.I am getting a copie of the guest book for her I hope it is very helpful!I always have the sickening feelin... I never thought this was so serious.I guess I was being to peranoid about everything else. I dont think I will be able to leave my Brittani Lynn's side while she is napping.How do you lose something so precious and go on??? To all the babie angels you are all so very loved.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-11-12 19:39:22

Name: Wendy Anne Ferrence
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Time: 1998-11-12 12:46:35
Comments: We would like any and all information you may have in order to educate our centers and workers. We are a non-profit organization that helps children and families. Please e-mail to above address if address is needed.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Williamsburg. Ontario, Canada
Time: 1998-11-12 09:41:42
Comments: Great!

Name: Jami Wardle
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Morrisburg, Ontario, Canada
Time: 1998-11-12 09:38:11

Name: Nick Senadenos
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Smyrna, TN
Time: 1998-11-11 18:54:09
Comments: I think this place is verry informing

Name: Shari Meek
Referred by: Net Search
From: Dallas Texas
Time: 1998-11-11 18:53:37
Comments: I just lost my 6 week old grandson who I had never seen to SIDS on November 6 1998. I want to know all I can about this terrible disease and how I can help.

Name: Shannon Goodwin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: NC
Time: 1998-11-11 15:23:24
Comments: I lost a little boy to SIDS in April of this year. I am just wanting to reach out to others who have suffered similar losses.

Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1998-11-11 13:59:45

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-11-11 13:39:17

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Cement City, MI
Time: 1998-11-11 09:39:07
Comments: I really would like to thank you for this when my daughter died there was nothing to make me think that I was not the only one out there.

Name: Christi Ochoa
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Colorado
Time: 1998-11-10 16:05:39
Comments: I am looking SIDS info up for my sister. She lost her baby to SIDS in September. I just wanted to do some research on this case.

Name: michelle
Website: michelle
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: washington
Time: 1998-11-10 13:33:50
Comments: can a baby get SIDS from lying on its stomach?

Name: Jeff Mergenthaler
Website: n/a
Referred by: Net Search
From: Tampa, Florida
Time: 1998-11-10 09:52:53
Comments: My son died of SIDS in 1983. I am looking for a support group or foundation in the Tampa Bay area so that I may volunteer my services and experiences so that I may be able to help.

Name: Sara Canfield
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Memphis
Time: 1998-11-10 02:36:01
Comments: I lost my son, Christopher Ryan, to SIDS on August 1, 1997. He was 12 weeks old. He was a beautiful little blessing and I miss him unbearably. He has a surviving twin sister, who I think God every day for and an older briother who is now four years old. He is asking me so many questions even now and I cannot find any way to explain death that he can understand. I still have a hard time understanding sometimes. Every time he sees a tear in my eye, for whatever reason, he asks me if I am thinking about Ryan. It never goes away, I just think we learn to live with the pain and it becomes a part of us. God bless all parents who have lost their little angels. They were just too good for this world.

Name: Jackie Maine
Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1998-11-09 16:39:58
Comments: Had a little grandson, John Corivin Maine II, die of sids September 28, 1998

Name: Jennifer Carroll
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Indiana
Time: 1998-11-09 11:52:11
Comments: I am really having a hard time these last few months of the year. I lost my baby last October 27,1997. He was stillborn

Name: Emily Watson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Tennessee
Time: 1998-11-09 09:14:21
Comments: The reason I logged into the SIDS information sheet is to do research on this very scary topic. I believe that every mother should be warned about the possibility of this terrible killer. My heart goes out to every parent who has ever lost a child to this!!!!!!

Name: Peggy WIlls
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Atlanta GA
Time: 1998-11-08 21:31:56
Comments: SIDS LOSS: JAROD ROBERT WILLS 8/22/98-10/28/98

Name: James and Shaharriet Houchins
Website: The Houchins Family
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Misawa AB, Japan
Time: 1998-11-08 19:17:14
Comments: Very informative site! "Jesus watch over all these little Angels"

Name: Julie
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: Michigan
Time: 1998-11-07 15:45:33
Comments: Very informational and informative.

Name: Laura Warble
Referred by: Net Search
From: Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Time: 1998-11-07 11:54:22
Comments: My son Christopher died in October at 14 1/2 weeks of age. Thank you for the helpful info!

Name: LizbethMarie
Referred by: From
From: NewYork
Time: 1998-11-07 10:14:18
Comments: Thankyou for the valuable imformation. I'm writing a research paper on SIDS. I have 10 months baby boy. Since he was born I always put him to sleep on his back.

Name: Joni McGinnis
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Maui Hawaii
Time: 1998-11-07 05:18:02
Comments: Greetings to fellow parents, grandparents, relatives and friends. My son Sean would have been 2 years old on October 31st - Halloween will always be a blue day for our family. There is never a day that I don't think of my baby and a few nights ago I received a blessing...I dreamed of holding my Sean. May we all share a wonderful dream like this more often.

Name: Shaun & Lorna
Website: dont know
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: London
Time: 1998-11-06 13:44:38
Comments: We are looking to share our experiences with others.

Name: Tracy Kistner
Referred by: Net Search
From: Cottage Hills, Il.
Time: 1998-11-06 08:49:51
Comments: Hello fellow survivors

Name: Maria Luttrell
Website: In Memory of Alexandra Elizabeth Leonard
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Louisville, KY
Time: 1998-11-05 22:41:17
Comments: Dear Chuck and all that have made this web page such a special tribute to our precious angels. My daugther Alexandra Elizabeth Leonard died from SIDS on February 24, 1998 at 6 weeks and 4 days of age. She would be 10 months old in 3 days. I miss her so very much and would do anything to hold her this very minute. The SIDS Network has honored her memory by helping me place her picture and story on their web page. I thank them for all their hard work in helping educate the community by providing this free service. My daughter died at daycare my second day after returning to work. I know that her death could not be predicted, but I feel that she was placed at risk by her sitter. She had been placed belly down (never slept in this position before), and she had been placed on a quilt. I wish that that the sitter had been better educated about SIDS. I truly feel that education and research will help end this horrible tragedy. My one hope in life is that another parent will never have to feel this pain. It is so damn hard. We all have to continue to help notify the public about SIDS to help continue to reduce the risk. Thank you for listening. And thank you for the support and guidance that everyone at the SIDS Network provides. So very proud to be her mommy Maria in memory of Alexandra Elizabeth Leonard 1/8/98 - 2/24/98

Name: Benda Treagan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Livermore ca,
Time: 1998-11-05 18:15:41
Comments: My daughter Katie passed away in December 1993, as a peer counselor I find it nice to see web sites for sids stories.

Name: Bernadette Grant
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Chico, California
Time: 1998-11-05 13:25:38
Comments: I lost my second daughter, Hillary Shelah Grant, on Feb. 14, 1983, to SIDS.

Name: Audra Kendall
Website: Genesee Community College
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Batavia, NY
Time: 1998-11-05 10:22:00
Comments: I am doing a term paper on SIDS. The reason that I chose this topic was because my cousin died of it when he was 4 days old. If he was still alive he would be 26. No one in our family actually knew what caused his death, whether it was lack of oxygen, the sleeping position he was in or if it was something that we could not see or control.

Name: Colby Bettles
Referred by: Net Search
From: Kansas
Time: 1998-11-05 10:20:05
Comments: THIs page is really cool.

Website: ICEANGELS homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: IOWA
Time: 1998-11-05 07:15:43
Comments: I just lost my 4 1/2 mth old son Jordan on Oct. 23,98..i would like more info on sids..if anyone can help..or call me at home at 712-274-2315..I am desperate to make some sense of this .........Tammy

Name: Amy Mckinley
Referred by: Net Search
From: Arizona
Time: 1998-11-04 20:14:16
Comments: I found this web site while I was doing research paper on the causes of SIDS. The site truely touched my heart and inspires me to become educated about SIDS and help in any way that I can.

Name: T.Flores
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: wilmington delaware
Time: 1998-11-04 18:10:34
Comments: Looking for information on stillbirths...or anyone that has been through it....please email me. thanks

Name: T. Flores
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: wilmington, delaware
Time: 1998-11-04 18:06:13
Comments: The future looks wonderful....a little one on the way. Here I 38th week....almost will be in my arms soon my little Michael. Time for my weekly visit. Doctor can't get your heart beat...did sonagram...can't see movement nor your heart God why???? We were almost there. Doctor tells me your it was nothing at this is normal. On October 13, 1998 at 7:58 I gave birth to you Michael...7lbs 11 ounces 21 inches long....they say you've been dead for about 3 days now....WHY!!! The hurts so bad....I need to know what happened...but still I get no answers.Everything was fine, we have gone a long way together....what did i do wrong???? Answer me baby.....please! Your Autopsy was fine....chromosomes were looked perfect....I don't understand. Novemeber 4, and daddy buried your ashes today....your with your grandfather got beautiful flowers and the service was very nice.....daddy is resting right now

Name: Tiffany
Website: bids to stop sids
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Kasson
Time: 1998-11-04 09:17:30
Comments: I think that sids is a really bad thing and i wish that there was more that we could do to prevent it and wish we knew what caused it and that there was some type of reasons why it happens.I had a little cousin die of sids and it is a really b ig heartache.

Name: ruhana mahmod
Website: malaysia on line
Referred by: Net Search
From: malaysia
Time: 1998-11-04 02:16:22
Comments: it's really helpful.....i'd like to surf further

Name: Megan Barnes
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Roseville, CA
Time: 1998-11-03 22:23:00
Comments: I am doing a report on SIDS in school. This has a lot of good information. Good luck with all of you parents that have had a loss of a child due to SIDS. I can only imagine how you must feel.

Name: Janine Holley
Referred by: Net Search
From: GA
Time: 1998-11-03 20:54:08
Comments: I enjoyed the interesting yet sad information of SIDS. I hope that studies can continue on and soon there will be a cure. Love to those who have lost a loved one to SIDS.

Name: Amanda Rice
Referred by: Net Search
From: Moline, Illinois
Time: 1998-11-03 18:49:47
Comments: I needed some info for a informative speech..

Name: Margaret Gallardo
Referred by: Net Search
From: El Paso, Texas
Time: 1998-11-03 15:54:43
Comments: I learned some very interesting information that I did not know. This page is very informative.

Name: Michael Sciarra
Website: PGS Research & Electronic Design
Referred by: Net Search
From: Fairfield, CT
Time: 1998-11-03 11:59:25
Comments: My last 15 years work has been devoted to medical equipment design with a particular emphasis on SIDS, babies and Neonatal Monitoring. My dissappointment t has been in the posturing of the professions involved with SIDS as well as with organizations for SIDS in their attempts either to "control" reaction or in pontifications which although well intentioned, have the net result of stifiling advances. YOUR PAGE is a breath of fresh air. I intend to modify my WEB site with some of my insights as well as potential products that can help parents. This might kill some of my consulting business but then again ..... Thanks for the look!

Name: Brooke Gladhill
Website: N/A
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Frederick,Maryland,USa
Time: 1998-11-03 10:51:31
Comments: I just want some research for my upcoming term paper on death and dying. I am sorry for those who have lost a child to S.I.D.S.

Name: Heather Conway
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: St. Cloud Minnesota
Time: 1998-11-02 19:50:07
Comments: I thought that this was a very interesting wedsite. I am doing a research paper on SIDS and I thought that this Site was the best of them all.

Name: Robert Munroe
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Halifax NS
Time: 1998-11-02 19:16:02
Comments: Hi, 5 years ago I had a daughter die from SIDS

Name: Valerie N. Juarez
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: College Station
Time: 1998-11-02 11:21:20
Comments: My reason for checking out this website is because Friday, October 30, 1998, my 5 month old neice passed away and we really do not know why. When my sister found her, her little mouth was purple and also her back. She had blood coming out of her nose and I jus wanted to know if some one could give me some reason or something of how she died.

Name: Melinda Nakayama
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Amarillo, TX
Time: 1998-11-01 20:48:30
Comments: Thanks!

Name: melissa howe
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: grayling,mi
Time: 1998-11-01 18:43:37
Comments: we lost our son 3 years ago to SIDS he was 3 months and 4 days old. Thanks for the site to help parents understand more

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