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Other ways to help can be found here.

Basic SIDS Information

bullet What Is SIDS? (5/18/96)
bullet Facts about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) - What everyone needs to know! (7/95)
bullet Reducing the Risk for SIDS (23 translations in 18 languages)
bullet English (10/11/05)
bullet (Arabic) Making up Baby's Cot - Australia   (12/29/00)
bullet (Assyrian) Making up Baby's Cot - Australia   (12/29/00)
bullet (Bosnian) Making up Baby's Cot - Australia   (12/29/00)
bullet (Cambodian) Reducing the Risk for SIDS  (3/25/97)
bullet (Chinese) from Hank Chien, MD, PhD's Forensic Page  (11/5/97)
bullet (Chinese) Making up Baby's Cot - Australia   (12/29/00)
bullet (Dutch) Vermindering van de risico's op wiegendood  (5/7/98)
bullet (Finnish) SIDS Organization   (11/5/97)
bullet (French) Reduire les risques de MSN (Mort Subite du Nourrisson) (SIDS en anglais) (3/25/97)
bullet (German) Massnahmen gegen die Gefahr des plötzlichen Kindstodes (12/23/00)
bullet (Japanese) SIDS Family Association - Japan   (3/13/00)
bullet (Khmer) Making up Baby's Cot - Australia   (12/29/00)
bullet (Laotian) Reducing the Risk for SIDS  (3/25/97)
bullet (Laotian) Making up Baby's Cot - Australia   (12/29/00)
bullet (Norwegian) Norvegian SIDS Organization    (11/5/97)
bullet (Spanish) SĚndrome de Muerte Infantil S™bita (SMIS) (3/25/97)
bullet (Spanish) SAP Muerte subita (Spanish SIDS Web Site maintained in Argentina)  (11/5/97)
bullet (Spanish) Making up Baby's Cot - Australia   (12/29/00)
bullet (Swedish) Swedish SIDS Parents Association (11/5/97)
bullet (Taidam) Reducing the Risk for SIDS  (3/25/97)
bullet (Vietnamese) Reducing the Risk for SIDS  (3/25/97)
bullet (Vietnamese) Making up Baby's Cot - Australia   (12/29/00)
bullet "Back to Sleep" Campaign 
bullet On-line Help with Cultural Issues!  (7/21/00)
bullet Counseling Parents to Reduce the Risk    (4/26/98)
bullet How to talk to relatives who appear to the SIDS parent to be reckless (3/8/98)


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of the SIDS Network continue to grow!

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Or through Network for Good

Other ways to help can be found here.

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