Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Network Electronic Newsletter 9810 October 28, 1998 Contents: 1. Facing Holidays and Special
Occasions ******************************************************************* 1. Facing Holidays and Special Occasions You can read, download, and share a variety of articles related to Facing Holidays and Special Occasions. Those articles are: - "Surviving the Holidays After SIDS" http://sids-network.org/survhol.htm - "Facing Anniversaries, Holidays, and Special Events" http://sids-network.org/facing.htm - "Holidays, A Difficult Challenge" http://sids-network.org/difficult.htm - Grief Information http://sids-network.org/grief.htm - Frequently Asked Questions - Parent to Parent, "What suggestions do you have for facing holidays and anniversaries? http://sids-network.org/faqfacingholidays.htm Please feel free to share any suggestions by sending the SIDS Network an e-mail message with "Facing Holidays and Anniversaries" as the topic to: sidsnet1-at-sids-network-dot-org ******************************************************************** We are please to announce that Picosearch has provided a new search engine for the SIDS/OID Information Web Site. The web site is very large (33MB), containing 1,500 files, or 3,000 printed pages of material. With over 3,000 visits daily to the web page, the Picosearch search engine allows you to quickly locate specific articles according to the words you select. Please join us in thanking Picosearch for providing this valuable tool by sending a thank you note to: support@picosearch.com ******************************************************************** First On-line Celebrity Auction to Benefit SIDS and Pregnancy & Infant Loss Education and Awareness. Time is running out to place your bids on the first On-line Celebrity Auction to Benefit Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support, Education, and Awareness. Bids for the first 77 items will close midnight PST, October 31, 1998. Over 100 new items were added on October 21, 1998! This brings the total number of items to 255. There are bids for $3,732 on 173 items as of mid-afternoon of 10/28/98. Items include autographed books, autographed basketballs, pennants and baseballs, autographed Tee shirts and autographed pictures of actors, actresses, athletes, and racing stars. No minimum bid is suggested, because no monetary value can be placed on these items, on the babies' lives impacted by SIDS and Pregnancy & Infant Loss, nor on the value of SIDS and Pregnancy & Infant Loss awareness and education. Each donation will bring us closer to the day when SIDS and Pregnancy & Infant Loss will no longer threaten our most precious resource ... OUR CHILDREN! Visit the SIDS Network SIDS/OID Information Web Site at: Please consider displaying the "Bids to stop SIDS" banner. If you have a web
page, please place this banner on your site. Here's how: Other ways to help promote this worthy cause can be found at: Thank you very much for your consideration and help. ********************************************************************** 4. National SIDS & Infant Death Program Support Center The National SIDS and Infant Death Program Support Center (PSC) has officially opened its doors. Located in Baltimore, Maryland, the Program Support Center is creating a nationwide network for private and public organizations, committed to eliminating Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and reducing infant mortality, to work in harmony to enhance and strengthen community-based, family-centered risk reduction and bereavement services throughout the United States. Many professionals and para-professionals with vast knowledge, expertise and years of
experience in the areas of data, diagnosis and reporting; training, education, curriculum
development; information, communications, and technology; policy and advocacy; bereavement
support services; hard to reach under served populations and infant mortality risk
reduction have already committed to partner with the Center to assure the achievement of
its goals. The PSC staff is in the process of identifying additional individuals and
organizations in the SIDS, other infant deaths and maternal and child health communities
to work with the PSC and to serve on individual work teams and the Advisory Committee. The PSC staff would welcome your participation and input into the evolution of the National SIDS and Infant Death Program Support Center. If you are interested in joining in this new and exciting venture or would like additional information, please contact Joan Stark (PSC Program Coordinator) or Stacy Scott (PSC Assistant Coordinator) at sds62@aol.com or call 800-638-7437. Visit the PSC web site at http://sids-id-psc.org ********************************************************************** 5. CDC Reports on SIDS and Sleep Position Assessment of Infant Sleeping Position --- Selected States, 1996 Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the leading cause of postneonatal mortality in the United States. In 1992, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommended that all healthy babies be put to sleep either on their back or side to reduce the risk for SIDS. In 1994, a national "Back to Sleep" education campaign was initiated to encourage the public and health-care providers to put babies to sleep on their back or side. In November 1996, the AAP modified its policy to preferentially recommend putting infants on their back because of the lower risk for SIDS associated with this position relative to the side position. To assess adherence to recommendations for infant sleeping position, CDC analyzed population-based data on the usual infant sleeping position for 1996 births by race from 10 states participating in the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS). A survey of mothers in 10 states, who had recently given birth, found a twofold difference between the highest and lowest state percentages of babies usually put to sleep on their stomachs. Additionally, black mothers were more likely than white mothers (11%-54% higher) to put their babies to sleep on their stomachs. For American Indians in two states (Washington and Oklahoma), 16.0% and 33.9% of respondents reported putting their babies to sleep on their stomachs. In most states, most respondents put their babies to sleep on their sides, a position considered "safer" than the stomach sleep position, but not as effective for preventing SIDS as the back sleep position. This report summarizes the results of that analysis and indicates that infant sleeping position varied by state and race. (source: CDC Morbidity and Mortality Report; October 23, 1998 / Vol. 47 / No. 41) Read more about this topic at http://sids-network.org/experts.htm#general National Vital Statistics Report: Births and Deaths: Preliminary Data for 1997 The infant mortality rate for Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), which accounted for 10 percent of all infant deaths, declined by almost 12 per-cent. While deaths due to SIDS have been declining since 1989, part of the decline in 1997 may be attributable to delays in receiving cause-of-death information for these deaths in the preliminary data file. CDC final data for 1996: 3,060 deaths due to SIDS (79 deaths per 100,000 live births). CDC preliminary data for 1997: 2,705 deaths due to SIDS (69 deaths per 100,000 live births for all races, 138 deaths per 100,000 live births for blacks, and 58 deaths per 100,000 live births for whites). (source: National Vital Statistics Reports; Vol 47, No. 4 (10/7/98)) Read more about this topic at http://sids-network.org/experts.htm#general ********************************************************************** 6a. Buy books through Amazon.com and support the SIDS Network Many books, videos, and other media can be ordered directly through Amazon.com, the leading Internet source of books. A portion of your sale will directly benefit the SIDS Network if you order items by following links from the SIDS Network web site to the Amazon.com web site. A list of suggested books with links to Amazon.com can be found at http://sids-network.org/books.htm. 6b. "SIDS Families: Years Later" A work in progress by Debbie Gemmill A copy of her questionnaire "SIDS Families: Years Later" is available on the SIDS Network web site at http://sids-network.org. The questionnaire is designed for those who have lost children 5 or more years ago. It is meant as a guide only; I would encourage anyone to write as much as they would like and to include an address and/or phone number if they would be willing to be contacted for a more in-depth interview. Debbie can be contacted through email at Mom2127@aol.com 6c. "Then an Angel came" now available in paperback Carol Gino's book, "Then an Angel came" is now available in paper back. Carol is a SIDS grandparent. Her grandson, Greggy, died of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). An article, appearing in Nursing98, March 1998, that was authored by Carol Gino can be found at http://sids-network.org/then_an_angel_came.htm. This story is an excerpt from her new book about life after loss, "Then an Angel Came", published by Kensington Books. Order a copy today through Amazon Books http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1575662310/sidsnetwork. Carol's web site can be visited at http://www.starwater.com. 6d. SIDS Alliance 1999 National Conference The 1999 National Conference will be held in Atlanta, Georgia from April 9-11, 1999 with Pre-conference workshops on April 8, 1999. Please call the SIDS Alliance for further information at 800-221-7437. 6e. 8th International Congress of the European Society for the Study and Prevention of Infant Death (ESPID) Congress topic: Prevention of Infantile Apnea and Sudden Infant Death. Place: The Congress will take place in Jerusalem, Israel The conference will be a part of the events celebrating the verge of two Address for further information, scientific program, social events, Dan Knassim Ltd. Tel: +972-3-6133340 (ext. 207, Orly Yshai) ********************************************************************** You have just finished reading the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Network Electronic Newsletter. This newsletter is available on the Web site at http://sids-network.org/newsletter/. If you come across articles or information on SIDS, please e-mail the information to sidsnet1-at-sids-network-dot-org We send this newsletter to interested people through several e-mail mailing list sources. Because of this, you may receive more than one copy. We apologize for this inconvenience. You may remove yourself from the SIDS Network e-mail mailing list by e-mailing your request to the SIDS Network at sidsnet1-at-sids-network-dot-org |
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