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Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Network's
Electronic Newsletter

Reaching Out
Issue 200512
December 14, 2005

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Network Electronic Newsletter 200512
December 14, 2005

"May The Peace Of The Season Settle Gently On Your Home"

SIDS Network Web Site Sponsorship

For the month of December 2005 the SIDS Network web site is sponsored by Brian Inman and Wendy Vary in loving memory of Gage Daniel Inman.


For the month of January 2006 the SIDS Network web site is sponsored by Mommy's best friends in loving memory of Sydney Renee Van Hoey.

Information about sponsorship of the web site can be found at: 


1. Facing Holidays and Special Occasions
2. Pacifiers and SIDS
3. More than 185 FAQ and SIDS Research Information Articles
4. Join the Hundreds who have already donated their used car, truck, boat, camper or RV to help the SIDS Network
5. Selected RECALLS, ALERTS, and NEWS from CPSC
6. Holiday Donations to help the SIDS Network

1. Facing Holidays and Special Occasions

You can read, download, and share a variety of articles related to Facing Holidays and Special Occasions. Those articles are:
- "Surviving the Holidays After SIDS"
- "Facing Anniversaries, Holidays, and Special Events"
- "Holidays, A Difficult Challenge"
- Grief Information
- Frequently Asked Questions - Parent to Parent, "What suggestions do you have for facing holidays and anniversaries? 

Please feel free to share any suggestions by sending the SIDS Network an e-mail message with "Facing Holidays and Anniversaries" as the topic to:

2. Pacifiers and SIDS

Articles hit the news the past couple of weeks regarding pacifiers and SIDS. The news refers to a study funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), National Institutes of Health, contract N01-HD-5- 3227. More information follows.

We have received many e-mail messages asking for more information. The public has been on an information roller coaster, the result of an explosion of medical reports, each heralding a "breakthrough in SIDS research." We need to help people separate myth from fact and risk factor from cause. We will post information as it becomes available to us.

Please keep the following in mind:

  • When it comes to media coverage of SIDS, we often feel a sense of frustration in being confronted with misleading headlines, announcements of so-called breakthroughs and statements taken out of context.
  • Please read the article, "Mass Media's" Role in SIDS Education, at
  • This study does not claim that pacifier use prevents SIDS.
  • This study's observations confirm several previous reports.
  • The study concludes that, "Use of a dummy seems to reduce the risk of SIDS and possibly reduces the influence of known risk factors in the sleep environment."
  • There was a discussion of statistical results that mention, "After adjustment for known confounders, the odds ratio for SIDS in infants who used a dummy during the last sleep was 0.08 (0.03 to 0.21), which translates to a more than 90% reduction of risk in this study compared with infants who did not use a dummy during the sleep."
  • There was a discussion of the limitations for the study including small sample size, low participation rate, and deliberate under-reporting.
  • There was a discussion that "potential underlying mechanisms of our observed association should not be confused with the “certainty” of a causal effect between use of dummies and risk of SIDS. The findings from our study and others will collectively provide support for the protective effect of dummies, but they are not “proof” of a causal effect by themselves."

You can read the study published in the British Medical Journal here (pdf 80 Kb). (BMJ, doi:10.1136/bmj.38671.640475.55 (published 9 December 2005))

We are currently gathering more information about this specific research and will keep you updated. Thanks!

3. More than 185 FAQ and SIDS Research Information Articles

The SIDS Network offers over 185 articles covering Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and SIDS research information. These articles can be found at: 

Updated research articles related to:
Pacifiers and SIDS (12/10/2005)
Do Immunizations Cause SIDS? (3/30/04)
Cyst on Throat (3/30/04)

SIDS, age, and risks (5/10/03)
Is cord blood useful for SIDS research? (1/29/03)
SIDS and the serotonin transporter gene (1/29/03)
Cry Analysis And SIDS (1/24/03)
Laryngomalacia ("Floppy Voice box") is not a cause of SIDS (1/20/03)
Helicobacter Pylori, and SIDS (1/19/03)
Forest Fire Smoke and SIDS (9/25/03)
Prone position and prematurity; aspiration (10/11/03)
Is it safe to let babies sleep in swings and/or bouncy chairs? (1/27/03)
My Baby Will Not Sleep On It's Back (1/27/03)

Many of these articles come from some of the leading SIDS researchers, and include their e-mail address. Please feel free to browse the article titles or use the SIDS Network's web site search engine at: 


4. Join the Hundreds who have already donated their used car, truck, boat, camper or RV to help the SIDS Network

The SIDS Network, Inc. has arranged with the nation's largest car donation charity (processed more than 325,000 car donations for hundreds of charities across America since 1992) to manage its vehicle donation program. You can now donate your used car, truck, boat, camper or RV and receive a tax deduction for its fair market value -- and we'll even arrange to pick it up!

You can donate your vehicle even if it is not in running condition. We will make all the arrangements to pick up your vehicle donation at no cost to you. We can arrange to pick up most vehicle donations anywhere in the continental United States and Hawaii and supply you with the necessary paperwork so you can claim your tax deductible charitable vehicle donation.

Please complete the online donation form and help the SIDS Network, Inc. today!


5. Selected RECALLS, ALERTS, and NEWS from CPSC U.S. Consumer Product

Recent safety information from the US Safety Commission include:
1. CPSC, Kids II Inc. Announce Recall of Doorway Baby Jumpers
2. CPSC, Ideal Distributors Inc. Announce Recall of Pacifiers
3. CPSC, Delta Enterprise Corp. Announce Recall of Certain Cribs Sold at Toys R Us Stores
4. CPSC, Sycamore Kids Inc. Expands Recall of Mountain Buggy Jogging Strollers
4. CPSC, Child Craft Industries, Inc. Announce Recall of Cribs

Read the latest Safety Commission recalls, alerts, and news. The information can be found at: 

6. Holiday Donation to the SIDS Network

Your donation can help the SIDS Network’s award winning Internet services ... throughout your area, across the United States, and around the world!

Each dollar counts. Any donation, no matter how small, makes a difference.

Your donation helps maintain:

SIDS Network web site
SIDS Educational Services web site
Wintergreen Press web site
SIDSNET Listerver

A secure credit card donation can be made at:

or Please mail your donation to:
SIDS Network
PO Box 267
Ledyard, CT 06339

Additional opportunities to help can be found at:  and 

You have just finished reading the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Network Electronic Newsletter. This newsletter is available on the Web site at If you come across articles or information on SIDS, please e-mail the information to sidsnet1-at-sids-network-dot-org. We send this newsletter to interested people through several e-mail mailing list sources. Because of this, you may receive more than one copy. We apologize for this inconvenience. You may remove yourself from the SIDS Network e-mail mailing list by sending an email to:

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of the SIDS Network continue to grow!

Donate directly to the SIDS Network securely with PayPal

Or through Network for Good

Other ways to help can be found here.

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