Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Network Electronic Newsletter 9809 September 14, 1998 Contents: 1. BIDS to Stop SIDS (sm) ******************************************************************* 1. BIDS to Stop SIDS (sm) First On-line Celebrity Auction to Benefit SIDS and Pregnancy & Infant Loss Education and Awareness. Items Include autographed pictures, autographed books, autographed basketballs and baseballs, autographed Tee shirts and so much more... No minimum bid is suggested, because no monetary value can be placed on these items, on the babies' lives impacted by SIDS and Pregnancy & Infant Loss, nor on the value of SIDS and Pregnancy & Infant Loss awareness and education. Each donation will bring us closer to the day when SIDS and Pregnancy & Infant Loss will no longer threaten our most precious resource ... OUR CHILDREN! This event is being organized by Shirley Doughty, Mom to Kaitlyn Marie Doughty 2-15-95 to 11-04-96 (SIDS). She can be contacted at Kaitlyn@cboss.com. Many others also helped make this event possible. You can also lend your support to this very special event. For more information or to enter a bid follow the links from the main page of the web site; http://sids-network.org. Your help is needed to make this event a success. ******************************************************************** 2. October is SIDS and Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month You can help raise awareness and support the SIDS Network's Internet Services now: -Support the Celebrity On-line Auction- Tell your friends, co-workers, family, etc. to
visit this web site at http://sids-network.org Many books, videos, and other media can be ordered directly through Amazon.com, the leading Internet source of books. A portion of your sale will directly benefit the SIDS Network if you order items by following links from the SIDS Network web site to the Amazon.com web site. A list of suggested books with links to Amazon.com can be found at http://sids-network.org/books.htm. 4. "Then an Angel came" now available in paperback Carol Gino's book, "Then an Angel came" is now available in paper back. Carol is a SIDS grandparent. Her grandson, Greggy, died of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Carol always stands tall, head and shoulders above the crowd, in many ways especially when it comes to supporting the SIDS movement. "As nurses, we learn that tragedy and miracles sometimes travel together-as my own family discovered after the death of our precious baby." An article, appearing in Nursing98, March 1998, that was authored by Carol Gino can be found at http://sids-network.org/then_an_angel_came.htm. This story is an excerpt from her new book about life after loss, "Then an Angel Came", published by Kensington Books. Order a copy today through Amazon Books http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1575662310/sidsnetwork. Carol's web site can be visited at http://www.starwater.com. ************************************************************************ 5. "SIDS Families: Years Later" A work in progress by Debbie Gemmill "My new book is tentatively titled, "SIDS Families:Years Later." I have already heard from over 100 families, and other parents are invited to participate." "My son, Tyler, died from SIDS on May 25, 1982. He was our second child, an apparently healthy 7 month old baby who went to sleep for an afternoon nap and never woke up. It has been 16 years since his death, but I have learned from my own experience that grief 'recovery' takes much longer than most people realize, and that even years later, we find our lives have been changed in many ways." "This is the premise of my new book. My previous books have dealt with new grief, subsequent pregnancies, and the ongoing journey. With this new book, I'd like us to take a look at the long term effects of the loss of a baby on the family." - Debbie Gemmill A copy of her questionnaire "SIDS Families: Years Later" is available on the SIDS Network web site at http://sids-network.org. The questionnaire is designed for those who have lost children 5 or more years ago. It is meant as a guide only; I would encourage anyone to write as much as they would like and to include an address and/or phone number if they would be willing to be contacted for a more indepth interview. Debbie can be contacted through email at Mom2127@aol.com Other books by Debbie Gemmill include: -The Chance to Say Goodbye: One family's journey through grief sensitively told through a mother's journal entries. To order today visit Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0963034103/sidsnetwork -Beginning Again: SIDS families share their hopes, dreams, fears and joy. To order today visit Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0963033411/sidsnetwork -Getting Through Grief: From a Parent's Point of View (a collection of the widely
reprinted From a Parent's Point of View articles) Read more about this book at:
http://sids-network.org/gtgrief.htm To order today visit Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/096303412X/sidsnetwork
6. Beanie Babies Raffle to fight SIDS Carol Gino has donated her collection of beanie babies for a raffle that is being run
by SIDS Alliance of LI. The tickets are $5 each and the collection is worth over $3000. A
raffle ticket application is available at http://www.starwater.com
or Carol can be contacted at rashana@UNIX.ASB.COM.
Please consider selling tickets. A portion of the proceeds from the tickets you sell could
benifit your local SIDS organization, the SIDS Network or another organization of your
choice. Visit the Starwater site or contact Carol for more information. This is a great
way to spread the love we all share. The love of our children. 7. Latest Research Information Available The SIDS Network gathers information about specific research and will keep you updated by a direct link on the SIDS Network home page http://sids-network.org and on the "FAQ for Experts and Professionals" page at http://sids-network.org/experts.htm. The latest additions to the SIDS Network web page include: -"Mass Media's" Role in SIDS Education http://sids-network.org/media.htm Sleep-related Issues: Smoking-related Issues: Apnea/Monitoring-related Issues: General Issues: You have just finished reading the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Network Electronic Newsletter. This newsletter is available on the Web site at http://sids-network.org/newsletter/. If you come across articles or information on SIDS, please e-mail the information to sidsnet1-at-sids-network-dot-org. We send this newsletter to interested people through several e-mail mailing list sources. Because of this, you may receive more than one copy. We apologize for this inconvenience. You may remove yourself from the SIDS Network e-mail mailing list by e-mailing your request to the SIDS Network at sidsnet1-at-sids-network-dot-org. |
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