Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Network
Electronic Newsletter 9911
"May The Peace Of The Season Settle Gently On Your Home" ************************************* SIDS Network Web Site Sponsorship For the month of November 1999 the SIDS Network web site is sponsored by
family and friends in loving memory of Eliza Michelle Elias Arpie and all SIDS
babies. For the month of December 1999 the SIDS Network web site is sponsored by
Patricia A. McJoynt-Griffith and Robert J. Griffith in loving memory of Kevin
James Griffith. Information about sponsorship of the web site can be found at: http://sids-network.org/your_donation_can_help_the_sids_.htm ************************************* Contents: ************************************* 1. National SIDS & Infant Death Program Support Center The National SIDS & Infant Death Program Support Center officially opened its doors in June 1998. Located in Baltimore, Maryland, the NSID-PSC is creating a nationwide network for private and public organizations, committed to ameliorating SIDS and reducing infant mortality, to work in harmony to enhance and strengthen community-based, family-centered risk reduction and bereavement services throughout the United States. Many professionals and lay people with vast knowledge, expertise and experience in the areas of SIDS and infant death (including data, diagnosis and reporting; training, education, curriculum development, information, technology and communication; policy and advocacy; bereavement support services; hard to reach under served populations; and infant mortality risk reduction) have committed to partner with the NSID-PSC to assure the achievement of its goal: To enhance and strengthen community-based, family-centered, comprehensive coordinated and culturally competent systems of risk reduction and bereavement services in all fifty states. At the core of the National SIDS & Infant Death Program Support Center is the desire to provide an umbrella for SIDS and other infant death efforts across the country to encourage networking, sharing of resources and experience. It is envisioned that we will be able to maximize expertise, solicit participation, and enlist "buy-in" from many interested parties. The NSID-PSC will support the development of community-based services to reduce as much as possible the risk of SIDS and other infant death; to appropriately support families when an infant death does occur; reach out to under served populations; and analyze standardized information about infant deaths in the hope of discovering factors which can ameliorate or reduce the risk of future infant death. Visit their web site at: The following Media Alert was issued on 11/24/99 by the SIDS Alliance
National Public Affairs Director: "On Monday, November 29, the new
television series Family Law on CBS at 10 pm ET/PT, will feature a case of a
mother accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS). Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
(SIDS) and the hazards associated with bedsharing will be considerations raised
by attorneys for the woman's defense. We have been told by the producers that
according to the storyline, the mother will not be found guilty of SBS. Instead,
it is our understanding that the infant will have died while sleeping on its
stomach on top of a comforter while in bed with the mother. We have requested
that if indeed the mother is found innocent, viewers not be left with doubts
about her at the end. The full Media Alert can be seen on the National SIDS & Infant Death Program Support Center web site at: http://sids-id-psc.org Additional information related to Bed Sharing, Sleep-related issues and abuse
can be seen on the SIDS Network SIDS Information Web Site at: 3. Facing Holidays and Special Occasions You can read, download, and share a variety of articles related to Facing
Holidays and Special Occasions. Those articles are: Please feel free to share any suggestions by sending the SIDS Network an e-mail message with "Facing Holidays and Anniversaries" as the topic to: sidsnet1-at-sids-network-dot-org 4. SIDS Network Auction, "BIDS to Stop SIDS (sm)", on eBay The second annual First On-line Auction to Benefit SIDS and Pregnancy & Infant Loss Education and Awareness items include autographed pictures, autographed books, autographed basketballs and baseballs, autographed Tee shirts and so much more... Even though a minimum bid may be suggested, no monetary value can be placed on these items, on the babies' lives impacted by SIDS and Pregnancy & Infant Loss, nor on the value of SIDS and Pregnancy & Infant Loss awareness and education. Each donation will bring us closer to the day when SIDS and Pregnancy & Infant Loss will no longer threaten our most precious resource ... OUR CHILDREN! You can help this very important event by obtaining and sending donated items to; SIDS Network, PO Box 267, Ledyard, CT 06339. Any item that can be auctioned on eBay is welcome. Such items could be gift certificates, collectibles, craft items, books. Other categories of acceptable items can be seen at: http://www.ebay.com A tax deductible receipt can be sent for donated items upon request. Tell others about this auction (neighbors, friends, employers, acquaintances, etc.). This event is being organized by Shirley Doughty, Mom to Kaitlyn Marie Doughty 2-15-95 to 11-04-96 (SIDS). She can be contacted at Kaitlyn@cboss.com. Many others also helped make this event possible. You can also lend your support to this very special event. For more information or to enter a bid follow the links from the main page of the SIDS Network web site; http://sids-network.org You may begin to bid immediately at: Your help is needed to make this event a success. 5. Selected RECALLS, ALERTS, and NEWS from CPSC U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has released the following recalls, alerts, and news. Recent topics include: - Century Offers Cash Reward for Recalled Infant Swings: Four strangulation
deaths reported; Release # 00-019; November 17, 1999 6. Internet shopping to support the SIDS Network - Shop brand name stores at the SIDS Network on-line store, save and help the SIDS Network (portions of each sale benefits the SIDS Network): http://www.sids-network.greatergood.com/ - Buy books through Amazon.com and support the SIDS Network Many books, videos, and other media can be ordered directly through Amazon.com, the leading Internet source of books. A portion of your sale will directly benefit the SIDS Network if you order items by following links from the SIDS Network web site to the Amazon.com web site. A list of suggested books with links to Amazon.com can be found at: http://sids-network.org/books.htm 7. Holiday Donation to the SIDS Network Your donation can help the SIDS Network's award winning Internet services ... throughout your area, across the United States, and around the world! Each dollar counts. Any donation, no matter how small makes a difference. Please mail your donation to: Additional opportunities to help can be found at: http://sids-network.org/your_donation_can_help_the_sids_.htm
You have just finished reading the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Network Electronic Newsletter. This newsletter is available on the Web site at http://sids-network.org/newsletter/. If you come across articles or information on SIDS, please e-mail the information to sidsnet1-at-sids-network-dot-org. We send this newsletter to interested people through several e-mail mailing list sources. Because of this, you may receive more than one copy. We apologize for this inconvenience. You may remove yourself from the SIDS Network e-mail mailing list by
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