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First Person

This area features selections written by or for siblings who have been personally touched by the death of an infant sister or brother. E-mail links to some authors will been provided (with their permission). We thank them for having the courage to share their experiences. We are reminded that we are not alone. Your stories and experiences are welcome.

E-mailus your comments, ideas, and contributed articles for this area to:sidsnet1-at-sids-network-dot-org, attention, Jay Mihalko

bullet My Baby Brother Zeke by Chrissy Sweeting (4/15/97) (12/7/2005) (2/29/2008)
bullet Pain by Theresa McCormack  (10/11/03)
bullet Another Life Given Another Life Gone by Kayla  (3/8/03)
bullet Siblings On Earth And In Heaven by DiRussellNS  (6/27/00)
bullet Peter by Kurt Siegal (5/2/00)
bullet Stop and listen for fluttering wings by Kimberly Collette  (4/30/99)
bullet A SIDS Victim's Sister by Kathryn Hallquist  (2/16/99)
bullet Baby Angel by Angela's cousin, Meghan (11/17/98)
bullet Getting a sibling through a SIDS death by  (7/21/98)
bullet Cheyenne's brother from
bullet Michael by Debbie Cortez  (1/12/98)
bullet Adults Should Take a Lesson from Children by Lisa G.  (11/1/97)
bullet When I Cried by Erin Gebhart  (8/20/97)
bullet Billy's Story by Kaye Keith  (5/6/97)
bullet 10 Good Things About Jesse by Billy Keith   (5/6/97)
bullet Michael and Billy's Story by Lisa Sculley   (5/6/97)
bullet Alex and Zach by Shannon Wylie (4/22/97)
bullet My Sister, Meg by Timmy Mihalko (4/20/97)
bullet The Children Do Remember by Joanne Riven (4/20/97)
bullet Children Do Remember by Lori Voth (4/18/97)
bullet Telling Siblings by Debbie Gemmill (4/15/97)
bullet Things Kids Say by Nancy Eckert (4/15/97)
bullet Things Kids Say by Connie Murdoch (4/15/97)
bullet My Baby Brother by Kira Reihman (4/15/97)
bullet Why couldn't you stay? by Toby Bright (3/13/97)
bullet In Memory of Beth by Steve Brandt (3/13/97)

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