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Frequently Asked Questions - Parent to Parent

Parents share information and answer frequently asked questions about SIDS

We post a Question of the Month to the SIDS List Server Discussion Area and on the SIDS Information Web Site. Responses can be emailed to us at sidsnet1-at-sids-network-dot-org or posted to the SIDS List Server Discussion Area. We will then post the responses to this page of the web site. The responses are opinions and no one person is right or wrong. We do not need to include an individual's name or any other identifying factors unless the author requests to be identified in some way or they want their email address attached.

The questions for this period are:

How has a SIDS death changed your parenting style? What insensitive or hurtful comments have been made to you since your baby's death and how did you handle them?

Other questions are listed below. They are linked to another page with responses we have received. Please feel free to add a response to any of these questions by e-mailing sidsnet1-at-sids-network-dot-org. Please include the question, your response, and include in the subject line "FAQ - Parent to Parent."

  1. Should I move to another apartment or house? [Changed] (8/20/97)
  2. Must I take pictures of my baby down now that it's been X months or years since she/he died? [Changed] (9/4/98)
  3. What advice or suggestions would you give to a parent planning their baby's service? [Changed] (6/20/00)
  4. How do you answer the question, "How many children do you have?" [Changed] (6/20/00)
  5. What advice or suggestions would you give to a parent on attending baby showers? [Changed] (9/17/97)
  6. The first year following the death of your baby is devastating and can be unbearable at times. What did you find the most helpful and nurturing during this time in your life? [Changed] (8/20/97)
  7. Many people ask, "What can I do to help?" What suggestions do you have? [Changed] (4/25/99)
  8. What suggestions do you have for facing holidays and anniversaries? [Changed] (2/14/06)
  9. Emergency Room workers involved with SIDS patients and their families ask, "What can I do to make this a less stressful time for all concerned?" What suggestions do you have? [Changed] (6/9/98)
  10. Since my baby died I have been unable to pick up or hold an infant. Now that I'm due with another baby, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold my own baby after he/she is born. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to help me. Did anyone have a similar problem? [Changed] (6/20/00)
  11. How has a SIDS death changed your parenting style? [Changed] (1/3/01)
  12. What insensitive or hurtful comments have been made to you since your baby's death and how did you handle them? [Changed] (2/21/07)

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